Page 57 - Jennifer Chieng Badass Boxing Workouts
P. 57


                BOXING MECHANICS

                Understanding muscle recruitment and body mechanics
                plays an essential role in building your level of proficiency in
                boxing for fitness. This section examines several important

                concepts, including:

                1. Effective punching technique

                2. Generating power through speed

                3. Muscular endurance

                4. Balance and stability

                5. Self-correcting adjustments

                6. Shadowboxing exercises

                Effective Punching Technique

                A punch aims to deliver force to a specific location on a
                desired target, which requires energy and effort. The
                effectiveness of that punch is measured by how much of the
                generated force, ideally the maximum impact, is absorbed
                by the target. When the arm extends to connect a closed

                and turned fist to a target, the effectiveness of that punch is
                contingent upon whether any amount of the generated
                force is dispersed around the target. In other words, a punch

                becomes less effective if only a fraction of the maximum
                impact is absorbed by the target. This could be caused by
                several impeding factors. One obvious factor is that your
                target effectively blocks the punch. Another factor, and the
                primary focus of this section, is on how you deliver the
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