Page 53 - Jennifer Chieng Badass Boxing Workouts
P. 53

1. Slip to the side adjacent to your rear foot by bending
                laterally around the waist to shift your head position away
                from the center line of attack.

                2. Point your rear knee away from the lead foot as you lower
                your level. Make sure that you take your hands with you

                throughout this movement; your hands should constantly
                protect your chin.

                3. Slip in the opposite direction. Slightly pivot on the ball of
                your rear foot as you lower your level and bend laterally

                around the waist to shift your head position away from the
                center line of attack. Your hips should be square in front of
                the target with both knees pointing forward. Make sure that

                your hands protect your chin throughout the entire motion.
                This action helps protect against any straight punches, such
                as the jab and cross.


                You are level changing in this exercise.
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