Page 50 - Jennifer Chieng Badass Boxing Workouts
P. 50

When you parry a punch, you deflect the incoming force of a
                punch away from you. Without reaching toward the punch,

                you want to create just enough tension in your arm to
                prevent the impact of the punch from changing the inner
                angle of your elbow. Additionally, rotate your wrist so that
                the palm of your hand parries the punch downward and

                away from your face. You can make this more challenging by
                adding steps, pivoting, circling, and counterpunches to your
                parries. Practice the parries below:

                  Parry with the rear hand and counter with a jab

                  Parry with the lead hand and counter with a cross

                  Parry with the lead hand and pivot to the left

                  Parry with the right hand pivoting to the right

                Level Changing

                Think about how difficult it is to hit a moving target. Boxing
                utilizes movement as a method to help maneuver a moving
                target to a desired position for an offensive attack and to
                create an elusive form of defense.
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