Page 13 - Obligatory Zakat Made Easy
P. 13

ii. Shares Sold in One-Year Period

      Shares bought for trading or that are short-term in
      nature should be paid zakat at the rate of 2.5% of the
      current market value in ownership.

                       Short Term

       [Current Share Value + Trust account current balance
                   Note 6
       - Related costs        ] x 2.5%
       = [RM84,000.00 + RM5,000.00 - RM350.00] x 2.5%
       = RM88,650.00* x 2.5%
       = RM2,216.25

      Note 6:  Related costs are brokerage costs, GST, clearing fees,
            stamp duty etc.
            *Amount has reached nisab.

    Companies Paying Business Zakat

    Shares for companies paying business zakat are no longer
    charged zakat.

    Shares Not Listed in Stock Exchange

    These shares are not easily liquidated. Practically, zakat
    should be paid on the dividend received if it reaches nisab.

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