Page 11 - Obligatory Zakat Made Easy
P. 11

Method 2 – Growing Capital
        [Owner’s equity + Long-term liability - Fixed asset -
         Semi-fixed asset] x % of Muslim ownership x 2.5%

     Real accounting examples cannot be presented because they are
     complicated. Calculation is based on the following principles:-

       • Fund structure
       • No classification of current assets and current liabilities
       • Determination of share ownership
    Suitable for Islamic financial and banking institutions,
    takaful and public limited companies which do not classify
    current assets and current liabilities.

    No Specific Account

                  Calculation Example
                  Nett profit (C)  x  2.5%

      A  Annual revenue / sales / earnings  RM6,000.00  x 12 Month
      B  Less: Annual expenses / cost     (RM10,000.00)
      C  Annual net profit (A-B)        (Note 4)   RM62,000.00
      D  Multiply: Rate of zakat                 2.5%
      E  Annual zakat (C x D)               RM1,550.00
     Note 4:  Amount has reached nisab.

    Suitable for small businesses such as night bazaar, farmers’
    markets, restaurants and the like.

             Click                     Click
              To Calculate
                                         To Pay
              To Calculate               To Pay
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