Page 86 - Internal Auditing Standards
P. 86

7.  Materiality and Audit Risk

            Chapter Content                                                                Relevant ISAs
            Applying the concept of materiality appropriately in planning and                  320
            performing the audit.

            Paragraph #           ISA Objective(s)

            320.8                 The objective of the auditor is to apply the concept of materiality appropriately
                                  in planning and performing the audit.

        Exhibit 7.0-1

                                         Use of Materiality in the Audit

                          Determining:                            2SbS`[W\W\U bVS \Obc`S  bW[W\U
                       Risk Assessment    as a whole            Risk Response  O\R SfbS\b ]T Tc`bVS` OcRWb
                          t .BUFSJBMJUZ GPS UIF öOBODJBM TUBUFNFOUT

                          t 1FSGPSNBODF NBUFSJBMJUZ
                                                                  @SdWaW]\a b] [ObS`WOZWbg Oa O `SacZb
                          1MBOOJOH XIBU SJTL BTTFTTNFOU
                                                                  ]T O QVO\US W\ QW`Qc[abO\QSa Rc`W\U
                          procedures to perform.
                                                                  bVS OcRWb
                          *EFOUJGZJOH BOE BTTFTTJOH UIF SJTLT
                          of material misstatement.

                                        Reporting  Evaluating the effect of uncorrected
                                           Forming the opinion in the auditor’s

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