Page 18 - Live-cellanalysis handbook
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Live-Cell Analysis Handbook — Third Edition

       Kinetic Proliferation Assays

       Accurate and reproducible measurements
       in a variety of cell culture models


       Cell proliferation assays are a cornerstone of cancer therapeutic,   Live-cell imaging alleviates many of these challenges by allowing
       developmental biology, and drug safety research. Analysis of   for non-destructive, repeated scanning of the same sample over
       the sustained signaling pathways that underlie the progression   time using either transmitted or fluorescent imaging modalities.
       of tumors, for example, accounts for >12,000 manuscripts in   However, there are challenges associated with adopting a live-cell
       PubMed, the majority of which use cell proliferation analysis   approach for measuring proliferation, such as:
       to evaluate tumor cell growth. Despite this, there has not been
       a direct, straightforward, scalable method for quantifying cell   •    Many fluorescent detection reagents perturb cell growth and
       proliferation as a continuous event. Rather, the traditional   morphology and are therefore unsuitable for kinetic analysis.
       approaches are endpoints or at best a series of concatenated
       endpoints to measure the time-course.                  •    Imaging more than one sample location requires movement of
                                                                the sample, which is particularly problematic for non-adherent
       Challenges in monitoring cell proliferation via traditional single   cells that can easily move to the edge of the well, or dish, and
       end point, non-image based assays that utilize plate readers or   cause artifacts.
       flow cytometers include:
                                                              •    Imaging over several cell divisions requires leak-free,
       •    A single data point may not provide enough information to   environmental control systems for temperature, oxygen, and
         effectively distinguish impacts of conditions or treatments, (e.g.   carbon dioxide that can both maintain the environment and
         when comparing early or late acting compounds, or discerning   enable access for the operator.
         cell-type dependent proliferative effects of drugs).
                                                              •    Most live-cell imaging platforms require deep operator
       •    Use of concatenated endpoints utilizes samples from different   expertise and are not easily scaled to microplate throughput,
         wells that are measured at different points in time. This   either due to difficulty with set-up of image acquisition
         potentially introduces artifacts, primarily due to variations in   or ineffective workflow when viewing and analyzing large
         cell seeding densities.                                numbers of images.

       •    Many biochemical detection measures (e.g., MTT, LDH, ATP   A successful strategy for adoption of a scalable, live-cell
         detection) are indirect, destroy the sample, and do not   approach for proliferation measurements must address the
         represent the true cell number.                      challenges described above. In this chapter, we illustrate how
                                                              proliferation assays using the IncuCyte® Live-Cell Analysis
       •    Measurements cannot be readily verified visually, and   System in conjunction with fit-for-purpose software tools and
         morphology changes due to treatment effects cannot be   non-perturbing reagents enable kinetic quantification of cell
         discerned.                                           proliferation, at microplate scale, for both non-adherent and
                                                              adherent cell cultures, both in mono- and co-culture. In addition,
       •    Proliferation rates of cells grown in co-cultures cannot be   cell proliferation measurements can be multiplexed with cell
         distinguished.                                       health, morphology, or surface marker measurements.

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