Page 21 - Live-cellanalysis handbook
P. 21

Kinetic Proliferation Assays

           If a label-free technique does not suffice, nuclear counts can be   with minimal toxicity. These reagents are ideal for generating
           performed using IncuCyte NucLight Reagents. These reagents are   stable cell populations or clones using puromycin or bleomycin
           available in either dye (IncuCyte® NucLight Rapid) or lentiviral   selection. Fluorescent techniques have particular value when
           (IncuCyte® NucLight Lentivirus) formats and are non-perturbing   morphology of cells are flat and/or thin, and therefore IncuCyte
           to cell health and morphology. IncuCyte NucLight Rapid is a   NucLight lentivirus reagent can be utilized not only to determine
           cell permeable DNA stain that specifically stains nuclei in cells   nuclear counts in living cells as described in Figure 3, but also
           using a mix-and-read protocol. IncuCyte NucLight Lentivirus   in combination with label-free cell identification methods to
           Reagents are compatible with convenient transduction protocols   measure viability (data not shown). Loss of viability is indicated
           and provide homogenous expression of a nuclear-restricted   by a loss in fluorescence, as fluorescent protein passes out of the
           fluorescent protein in your choice of primary, immortalized,   nucleus as nuclear membrane integrity is lost.
           dividing, or non-dividing cells without altering cell function and

                                                                 Cell Count/mm 2




                                                                     0   6  12  18  24  30  36  42  48  54  60  66  72
                                                                                        Time (h)
           Figure 3. A wide range of co-culture-based assays are possible by fluorescently labeling the nuclei of one or more cell types (HT-1080 red; A549
           green) with a non-perturbing nuclear-targeted fluorescent protein. IncuCyte fluorescent object counting software successfully quantifies real-time
           proliferation of viable cells.

           Quantitative measurement of cancer cell proliferation in a co-culture model

           Certain cancers are resistant to chemotherapy due to the biological   4). SK-BR-3 cells expressing IncuCyte NucLight Red fluorescent
           activity of their neighboring cells, or within the context of the   protein were cultured in the presence or absence of fibroblasts,
           tumor microenvironment. For example, stromal cells have been   and then quantified using IncuCyte’s nuclear counting algorithm.
           observed to rescue tumors from drug-induced toxicity by secreting   This method allowed real-time cell counting based on nuclear
           growth factors that impede apoptotic pathways.  Such cell   restricted fluorescent protein expression. Kinetic graphs of nuclear
           interactions may be illuminated by juxtaposing monocultures and   counts per mm  show SK-BR-3 cells grown with CCD-1068Sk
           co-cultures through in vitro assays. In this study, we conducted   fibroblasts grow at a significantly higher rate than those grown
           kinetic experiments to further examine and confirm previous   alone or with HMF’s in the presence of 500 nM lapatinib (Figure
           reports of culture-dependent drug sensitivity in a commonly used   4A). In addition, IC50 values, calculated using the area under the
           breast adenocarcinoma cell line, SK-BR-3, that overexpresses HER-  curve (AUC) of nuclear counts per mm /time, provide quantitative
           2. Previously, Konecny et al demonstrated that monocultures of   evidence for the differences in drug response between
           SK-BR-3 cells were sensitive to the drug lapatinib, which induces   monoculture and co-cultures in the presence of lapatinib.
           cell death by inhibiting tyrosine kinase activity of the HER-2 and   Specifically, SK-BR-3 cells grown with CCD- 1068Sk fibroblasts
           EGFR pathways.  However, a second study showed that when SK-  are the least sensitive to lapatinib with an IC50 value of 1.162
           BR-3 cells were co-cultured with normal skin fibroblasts (CCD-  μM, followed by SK-BR-3 cells grown with HMF’s with an IC50
           1068Sk), these stromal cells were able to rescue the inhibitory   value of 0.581 μM (Figure 4B). Interestingly, SKBR-3 cells grown
           effect of lapatinib. Interestingly, no such rescue effect was   in mono-culture remain effectively sensitive to lapatinib with an
           observed when SK-BR-3 cells grown in co-culture with normal   IC50 value of 0.015 μM (Figure 4B) which is comparable to the
           human mammary fibroblasts (HMF).                       published IC50 value, 0.037±0.031 μM.2 These striking data very
                                                                  clearly illustrate the difference inSK-BR-3 cell proliferation in
           In our study, the proliferation of SK-BR-3 cells in monoculture   the presence of stromal cells, thus highlighting the importance
           and co-culture were continuously monitored for more than 8 days   of considering the effect that the tumor microenvironment can
           in the presence of increasing concentrations of lapatinib (Figure   have on drug resistance.

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