Page 33 - Rapid Review of ECG Interpretation in Small Animal Practice, 2nd Edition
P. 33

Evaluation of the Electrocardiogram

           BUNDLE BRANCH BLOCK                            markedly prolonged QRS duration (>0.08 s in the
           The bundle of His is specialized conduction tissue  that forms the distal portion of the AV node, and   dog and >0.06 s in the cat). Examples of RBBB and
           divides into two main bundle branches that course
                                                          LBBB are shown in  Figures  2.10 and  2.11. The
           left-  and rightward into  the ventricular  muscle.   wide QRS morphology of a bundle branch block
           Right (RBBB) or left (LBBB) bundle branch block   pattern may be confused with a ventricular rhythm.
           occurs  when  the  impulse  is  blocked  or  slowed   Impulse origin in most cases of bundle branch
           within either of the branches and block results in   block is the sinus node, hence there is a P wave
           characteristic QRS waveform changes. In order   associated with each QRS complex and the rhythm
           to diagnose a bundle branch block, the MEA has   is supraventricular, despite the marked change in
           to be determined, which requires a 6-lead ECG   QRS waveform morphology. RBBB is typically a
           recording. RBBB is characterized by a right shift of   benign finding in both dogs and cats, whereas LBBB
           the MEA and markedly prolonged QRS duration    is usually  associated  with severe  underlying heart
           (>0.08 s in the dog and >0.06 s in the cat), while   disease.
           LBBB is characterized by a normal MEA and

                   I                 aVR                           I

                   II                aVL                          II             aVL

                   III                                            III
                                     aVF                                         aVF

           Figs. 2.10, 2.11 Bundle branch block. Fig. 2.10: Left bundle branch block in a dog. Note the presence of a P
           wave, the wide QRS complexes, and a normal mean electrical axis. Fig. 2.11: Right bundle branch block in
           a cat. Note the presence of the P wave, deep and wide S waves in leads I, II, III, and aVF, and the right mean
           electrical axis deviation.

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