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172  10  Normal Cardiovascular Imaging

            Figure 10.32  The 2D image is made from the right parasternal   Figure 10.34  Color Doppler image from a left parasternal long
            short axis view at the heart base and shows the relationship   axis view shows normal flow from the left atrium (LA) to the left
            between the aorta (Ao), left atrium (LA), and pulmonic valve (PV).  ventricle (LV). Normal blood flow moves toward the probe with
                                                              normal flow depicted as red.

            Figure 10.33  Color Doppler from a right parasternal short axis
            view at the heart base with the aorta (Ao) and left atrium (LA) to
            the left of the right ventricular outflow tract and pulmonic valve.
            The blood flow moves away from the transducer through the   Figure 10.35  Color Doppler image from a left parasternal long
            pulmonic valve with the normal flow depicted as blue. Notice   axis view shows normal flow from the left ventricle (LV) out of
            the color bar on the top right of this image, which displays the   the left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT). Normal blood flow
            “classic” color Doppler map.                      moves from the left ventricle away from the transducer into the
                                                              LVOT and aortic valve which is depicted as blue.
              ventricular outflow tract, the color will go from red to blue
            as it makes the turn around the aorta. It is important to   tion  platform  and  would  be  depicted  as  red. When  the
            recognize normal flow since a color jet originating from the   MVs are normally closed, you will just see red on either
            aorta into the right ventricular outflow tract is consistent   side of the valve (Figure 10.34). Do not make an assess-
            with a high ventricular septal defect. The position of the   ment of insufficiency while the valves are opened as many
            RVFW in systole and diastole needs to be evaluated at the   colors can be seen. As the valve snaps closed, a small blue
            heart base to check for dynamic right ventricular outflow   jet  traveling  less  than  1.0 cm  may  be  seen  within  the
            tract obstruction which can be another cause of a systolic   atrium  and  represents  a  physiologic  process  [4].  After
            murmur. The underlying cause of the right ventricular out-  reaching the cardiac apex, the blood turns and goes out
            flow tract obstruction may be a physiologic response sec-  the LVOT through the aortic valves. The normal color and
            ondary to dehydration, hyperthyroidism, or anemia [9].  direction of flow via color Doppler imaging are the same
              Color Doppler imaging of the mitral, tricuspid, and aor-  for  the  aortic  as  the  pulmonic  valve  and  appear  blue
            tic valves is done from a left parasternal long axis view.   (Figure  10.35). However, the velocity of normal flow is
            Now  from  the  observation  platform,  the  blood  moves   higher at the aortic valve, so more colors may appear in
            from the LA to the LV which heads toward the observa-  the LVOT. The color map included on the image shows
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