Page 205 - Feline diagnostic imaging
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208  13  Acquired Heart Disease
                                                              one  peak  due  to  an  elevated  heart  rate  found  in  cats.
                                                              Regurgitant flow at the mitral and tricuspid valves occurs
                                                              after valve closure and before the valves open again and
                                                              will be represented below the baseline on pulsed‐wave or
                                                              continuous‐wave Doppler (Figure 13.6). On color Doppler,
                                                              when the mitral and tricuspid valves are closed, abnormal
                                                              flow will be blue or a mosaic of colors, depending on the
                                                              velocity of the regurgitant flow (Figure 13.7). Normal lami­
                                                              nar flow at the aortic valve will be below the baseline and
                                                              should not be greater than 1.2 m/s. Regurgitant blood flow
                                                              at the aortic valve will be above the baseline when the aor­
                                                              tic valves are closed (Figure 13.8a). In order to document
                                                              left  ventricular  outflow  obstruction,  pulsed‐wave  or  con­
                                                              tinuous‐wave  Doppler  is  recorded  and  compared  to  the
            Figure 13.4  Right parasternal longitudinal axis view depicting   velocity at the level of the aortic valve.
            the relationship of the left atrium (LA) to the left ventricle (LV).   Color  Doppler  of  regurgitant  flow  at  the  aortic  valve
            The size of the left atrium should be measured when the mitral
            valves are closed.                                shows  as  a  red  jet  traveling  from  the  valve  into  the  left



            Figure 13.5  On color Doppler (a), when the pulmonic valve is closed, the red color jet traveling into the right ventricular outflow
            tract documents pulmonic insufficiency. (b) During systole, the normal flow through the open pulmonic valve is depicted below the
            baseline on pulsed-wave Doppler. Once the valve closes, abnormal flow can be documented traveling above the baseline.
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