Page 209 - Feline diagnostic imaging
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212  13  Acquired Heart Disease
            patients with hyperthyroidism, the left ventricular septum   was found in the group with systemic hypertension. The
            and free wall are thickened with variable enlargement of   size of the aorta was increasing larger beginning at the aor­
            the left atrium (Figure 13.10c,d). Typically, the left ventri­  tic  valve  and  extending  to  the  proximal  ascending  aorta
            cle in these patients are hypercontractile. If untreated, car­  when imaged from a right parasternal long axis view in the
            diac failure can appear similar to other conditions resulting   hypertensive cats compared to the normal group. The ratio
            in  dilation  of  the  right  and  left  ventricle  and  biatrial   of the left atrium to the aorta in the hypertensive group was
            enlargement [2]. Following treatment for hyperthyroidism,   similar to the control group [15].
            when cats were reexamined in 4–21 months, left ventricu­  In a different study of 19 hypertensive cats, 14/19 had
            lar hypertrophy had improved or resolved and fractional   thickening of the interventricular septum and left ventric­
            shortening decreased. In some of the cats, not all of the   ular free wall, and enlargement of the left atrium compared
            cardiac changes resolved, suggesting an underlying cardio­  to 79 normal cats (Figures 13.13–13.16) [13]. Another study
            myopathy or thyrotoxic damage (Figure 13.11) [10].  evaluating  188  cats  with  presenting  signs  of  systemic
              In a different study which examined 91 cats before and   hypertension documented hypertension above 170 mmHg
            after  treatment  of  hyperthyroidism  with  radioiodine,  a   in 58 of these cats. Echocardiographic findings in 39 of the
            small number had an enlarged left ventricular chamber   58 cats with hypertension revealed thickening of the inter­
            during  diastole  and  systole  prior  to  treatment,  which   ventricular  septum  and  left  ventricular  free  wall  with  a
            may be related to a thyrotoxic state leading to heart fail­  decrease in the size of the left ventricular chamber in dias­
            ure. Similar changes were noted in the left ventricular   tole [14].
            wall of these cats before and after treatment; however, an
            increase in left ventricular chamber in systole was seen
            post treatment with a decrease in the fractional shorten­  13.6   Volume Depletion/Volume
            ing [11]. Interestingly, cats managed medically can have   Overload
            normal  echocardiographic  parameters  on  presentation
            (Figure 13.12).                                   Volume depletion will significantly alter the appearance of
                                                              the interventricular septum, left ventricular free wall, and
                                                              left  ventricular  chamber  in  systole  and  diastole
            13.5   Systemic Hypertension                      (Figure 13.17). The walls of the left ventricular chamber
                                                              will be increased and the left ventricular chamber will be
            According  to  the  ACVIM  consensus  statement,  systemic   decreased.
            hypertension describes the risk for future damage to target   The interventricular septum and free wall of the left ven­
            organs based on the elevation of the systolic and diastolic   tricle measured thicker than normal (>6 mm) in 4/10 cats
            blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure less than 150 is a   in one study while dehydrated. The size of the left atrium is
            level 1 risk, 150–159 level 2, 160–169 level 3, and >170 level   key to differentiating “real” hypertrophy of the left ventric­
            4. Target organs damaged by the increased sustained level   ular  walls  from  volume  depletion.  In  induced  volume
            of blood pressure include the kidneys, eyes, brain, and car­  depletion  of  7–10%,  the  left  atrial  size  will  be  similar  or
            diovascular organs [12]. Hypertension can be idiopathic,   smaller than the aorta (Figure 13.17). Once these cats were
            primary, or secondary to chronic renal failure, hyperthy­  given intravenous fluids at a maintenance rate 2.5–3 mL/
            roidism, HCM, diabetes, and acromegaly [13,14].   kg/h, the left atrial size increased and the left ventricular
              The wavy or undulating shape of the aorta was the most   chamber remained unchanged in diastole but decreased in
            consistent radiographic finding in patients with systemic   systole, resulting in an increase in fractional shortening.
            hypertension best visualized on the lateral projection [15].   When the fluid rate was increased to 10 mL/kg/h, 6/10 cats
            In addition, on the ventrodorsal image, the ascending aorta   developed a systolic murmur and increased size of the left
            can be seen projecting cranial to the cardiac silhouette and   ventricular chamber in diastole without a change in systole
            should not be mistaken for a soft tissue mass (Figure 13.3).   producing an increase in the fractional shortening. The left
            On the ventrodorsal image, the proximal descending aorta   atrial size increased significantly in size, resulting in the
            may bow laterally with systemic hypertension.     ratio of the left atrium to aorta above the normal of 1.5 [16].
              Echocardiographic  findings  in  a  study  involving  15   When evaluating for volume depletion, the size of the left
            hypertensive  cats  included  hypertrophy  of  the  interven­  atrium will be similar or smaller in size compared to the
            tricular septum and left ventricular free wall as compared   aorta  when  assessing  from  a  right  parasternal  short  axis
            to 15 normal patients. A trend of focal hypertrophy of the   view at the heart base. It is possible to misdiagnose patients
            interventricular septum in the left ventricular outflow tract   with cardiac disease due to alternations in wall thickness
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