Page 212 - Feline diagnostic imaging
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13.7 Hypertropcic Cardiomyopatcy  215



                (c)                                             (d)

               Figure 13.13  A 19-year-old DSH presented with chronic renal disease, systemic hypertension with secondary blindness, and
               medically managed hyperthyroidism. On the initial thoracic lateral (a) and ventrodorsal (b) images, there is mild rounding of the left
               ventricular border. The ascending aorta is widened on the lateral radiographic projection. On the initial echocardiogram, the shape of
               the aorta (c) shows a mild dorsal bulge (arrow). Recheck examination one year later shows more dilation and bulging of the shape of
               the aorta (d) consistent with chronic systemic hypertension (arrow). The systolic blood pressure is between 170 and 180 mmHg.

               atrium will be enlarged. Pulmonary venous enlargement is   genic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) or tricus­
               commonly seen prior to pulmonary edema but patients on   pid dysplasia [17].
               diuretics can still have edema without venous congestion.
               When a cat is in heart failure, pulmonary edema with or   13.7.2  Echocardiographic Findings
               without pleural effusion will be present. Pulmonary edema
               is  more  commonly  seen  than  pleural  effusion.  With  the   Diastolic dysfunction (inability to relax) of the left ventricle
               presence of ascites, other causes of cardiomyopathy need   is  a  hallmark  of  this  form  of  cardiomyopathy  [18].
               to be considered such as dilated, unclassified, or arrhythmo­  Obliteration of the left ventricular chamber in systole can
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