Page 213 - Feline diagnostic imaging
P. 213

216  13  Acquired Heart Disease

            (a)                                                       (b)



            Figure 13.14  An 11-year-old DSH presented for nasal discharge. On the lateral (a) and ventrodorsal (b) thoracic images, there is
            rounding of the caudal border of the cardiac silhouette. The aorta is undulating on the lateral image. On the ventrodorsal image, there
            is lateral bowing of the proximal descending aorta. The echocardiogram (c) shows thickening of the interventricular septum 0.773 cm
            and left ventricular free wall 0.723 cm with a normal fractional shortening of 55.7%. The aorta (arrows) has an abnormal dorsal
            contour consistent with chronic systemic hypertension (d).

            be commonly seen with HCM. Markedly reduced size of   7.5 mm  as  severe  [17].  Differential  diagnosis  in  cats  pre­
            the  left  ventricular  chamber  in  systole  is  due  to  severe   senting with hypertrophic changes to the left ventricular
            hypertrophy of the left ventricular walls and papillary mus­  wall includes systemic hypertension, acromegaly, outflow
            cles  (Figure  13.22).  Since  asymmetric  thickening  of  the   obstruction, hyperthyroidism, and volume depletion [16].
            heart  wall  may  occur  with  this  disease,  M‐mode  tracing   The size of the left atrium increases over time and can be
            along with wall measurements from the 2D image of thick­  measured from the 2D image at the heart base. The ratio of
            ening have been advocated [2]. Other cardiologists meas­  the left atrium to the aorta reportedly should be less than 1.3
            ure the wall changes only from the 2D images but sequential   [19] to 1.5 [20]. However, other cardiologists just measure
            measurement can be difficult to reproduce. Papillary mus­  the left atrial size from the right parasternal longitudinal axis
            cle hypertrophic changes can be seen prior to concentric   2D image. Normal left atrial size was reported as less than
            hypertrophic changes. The papillary muscles will be wider   16 mm in one study [21] and less than 15.7 mm in another
            at their base with varying changes in echogenicity due to   [3].  In  larger  feline  breeds,  the upper  level of  normal  left
            ischemia and secondary fibrosis [17]. Measurement of the   atrial size was 17–18 mm. Mild left atrial enlargement has
            septum or left ventricular free wall in diastole greater or   been  reported  in  average‐sized  cats  to  be  16.0–19.9 mm,
            equal to 6 mm is considered consistent with hypertrophy.   moderate  20–24 mm,  and  severe  >24 mm  [21].  Severe
            Some  cardiologists  classify  hypertrophy  of  6–6.5 mm  as   enlargement  of  the  left  atrium  has  been  associated  with
            mild,  6.6–7 mm  as  moderate,  and  equal  or  greater  than   thromboembolism.  Smoke  or  spontaneous  contrast  in  the
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