Page 32 - Microsoft Word - Buku Pembelajaran PKn Tingkat Dasar dan Lanjutan.docx
P. 32
Structure of government
Concepts, principles, and values underlying the political
system i,e., authority, Justice, Diversity, Rule of Law
Individual right (personal, political, economics)
Responsibilities of citizen
Role of citizen in a democracy
How the citizen can participate in community decision
Skills: What a citizen needs to able to do to participate
Critical thinking skills: Gather and assess information,
Clarify, and prioritize, Identify and assess consequences,
Evaluate, Reflect
Participation skills: Communicate, Negotiate,
Cooperate, Manage conflicts peacefully and farly, Reach
Attitudes/Beliefs: Character or disposition of citizens
Personal character : Moral responsibility, Self discipline,
Respect for individual dignity and diversity of opnion
Public character: Respect for the law, Willingnes to
participate in public affairs, Commitment to the rule of
the majority with respect for the rights of the minority,
Commitmen to the balance between self-interest and the
common welfare, Willingnes to seek changes in unjust
laws in a peaceful and legal manner