Page 46 - DPR Rishikesh Legacy_Neat
P. 46
vats or large containers. This is usually recyclable material or material with high
calorific value, which can be further processed to recover the energy content.
3. Metals are then removed from the waste by either a suspended magnet system
or a magnetic pulley.
4. Remaining mixed waste is subjected to mechanical separating devices such as a
segregating Trommel.
5. The purpose of a trommel is to segregate materials on the basis of size through
cascading action. For effective segregation, it is necessary that the material
undergoes sufficient number of turns inside the trammel and, at the same time,
gets sufficient fall depth for good cascading action. Therefore, the length and the
diameter of the trommel are very important. Normally for MSW, a trommel with a
length of 10 m and a diameter of 2.5 m and above would be desirable. At the
same time, there should be no axle passing through the trommel in the middle;
the drive for the trommel has to be external.
6. A 100 mm mesh diameter trommel with a capacity of 20 to 50 TPH may be
deployed. To process desire quantity of waste per day, the number of trammels
can be installed to process the waste in parallel operation. The large size material
which could not be handpicked on the sorting conveyor will get separated from
the stream after screening. The material will be mostly recyclables metals,
textiles, rubber and plastics.
7. The waste passing through 100 mm sieve shall be fed to trommels of mesh
diameter ranging from 35 mm and 16 mm sequentially. The capacity of the
trommels shall range from 10-15 TPH. Paper, cloth or any other combustible
material shall be segregated at this stage.
8. The fines passing through above stage shall be fed to trommel of mesh diameter
4 mm. The capacity of the trammel shall range from 8-10 TPH. The portion
passing through the 4 mm sieve is mostly compost, soil and humus. This portion
shall be sent to laboratory for testing for its usage as compost.
In the case of Govind Nagar Dumpsite, the biomining activity should be completed
within 6-7 months after commencement of work, to avoid nuisance to surrounding
residential area for longer duration. As mentioned in the above waste quantative
assessment section, the total waste of 271919 cum should be processed by
biomining activity. Considering the abovementioned timeframe for biomining activity,
total daily waste should be process around 1600 TPD.
For excavation, transport, loading & unloading, processing and segregation of 1600
TPD waste in Rishikesh, the machineries & equipments and manpower may required
can described based on assumptions as given in Table 5-1 and Table 5-2 below.