Page 48 - DPR Rishikesh Legacy_Neat
P. 48

The total expenditure for the processing of legacy waste, internal transportation and
                      transportation  of  rejects  to  disposal  facility  etc.  is  1892.55  Lakhs  give  in  the  table

                      Table 5- 3: Biomining Expenditure of Legacy waste at Govind Nagar Dumpsite, Rishikesh
                          Sr. No.  Quantity of Legacy        Rate per Cum      Amount (Rs.)
                                    waste (cum)              Biomining
                         1          271919                   696               189255624
                                                 Total                         189255624
                      The cost estimate of processing of 1 cum legacy waste was worked out and the same
                      presented in the Table 5-4 below:-

                                      Table 5- 4 Cost estimation for leagacy waste biomining

                                              RISHIKESH NAGAR NIGAM
                                     Dist- Dehradun                     State - Uttarakhand
                                 Land Reclamation of Existing Municipal Solid Waste
                                     Dumping Ground at Rishikesh, Uttarakhand

                                    Proposed Rate For Biomining  of Laegacy Waste
                                                   RATE  ANALYSIS
               DETAILED DISCRIPTION  :- Excavation for removing the existing solid waste comprising of
               Biodoigradable  /plastics/  construction  and  demolition  wasted/soil  etc  accumulated  in  the
               existing  dump  sites  to  required  level  ,including  use  of  polain,  electric  driven  ,  Biomining
               machinery  having  sufficient  sizes  and  capacities  of  tromell,  Conveyer  belt,  Motor  etc  by
               depoyment of sufficient labour and transporting thr excavated material (mixed solid waste)
               to the sleving area for sieving and segregation of the biodegradable plastics/ construction
               demolition wastes/soil/ recyclable materials etc and storing- packing and transporting upto 5
               km  distance  or  as  per  the  directions  of  the  engineer  in  charge  and      spreading  and
               compacting the soils obtained during the seving process by using roller. Payment will be
               made only on volumetric  basis based on pre and post levels taken at the dumping site. This
               rate is inclusive of all necessary taxes viz  labour aminities, labour welfare, insurance, EPF
               with the provision of working in foul condition
                                    Rate analysis for 1 Cum

                Code                  Particulars               Quantity      Unit      Rate     Amount
               Manpo                                                       Rs. per
               wer       a)Mazdoor                                    64  cum           22.32       22.32
                                                                           Rs. per
                         c)Supervisor                                  4  cum            1.85       1.845
                                                                           Rs. per
                         d) Techician                                  4  cum            1.94     1.9375
                                                                           Rs. per
                         Total For Manpower                    (A)         cum                      22.32
               Machin                                                      Rs. per
               ery       a)Rolling & Compaction                            cum             60          60
                         b)Poclain                                         Rs. per
                                                                           cum             70          70
                         c) Truck for internal transport                   Rs. per
                                                                           cum             24          24
                         c) Biocultures/Deodizer including                 Rs. per
                         Spraying, Waste Tilling etc.                      cum            150        150

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