Page 115 - 2020 교육계획서(초등)
P. 115
Ⅱ. 학교 교육과정 편성・운영
Singapore Korean International School
2 Out of 5 They can:
Understand common words and social expressions (examples: play a game,
Score: 104-106 go to a museum, wave goodbye)
CEFR: A1 Comprehend simple descriptions of current and past events (examples: The
mouse is on top of the table. He is washing his hands.)
Lexile: 125
Recognize relationships among words and phrases within familiar categories
(examples: food, fruit, strawberries; rain, sky, clouds; one more time, again)
Make connections across simple sentences (example: Clouds are in the sky.
Rain comes from them. Sometimes they cover the sun.)
Students begin to recognize some basic words.
1 Out of 5 They may be able to:
Identify basic vocabulary with visual support
Score: 100
CEFR: Pre-A1
Lexile: BR250
TOEFL Primary Step 2 Listening Descriptors (Grades 2-4)
Level Abilities
Students perform exceptionally well on this test.
5 Out of 5 They can:
Understand less frequently used words that describe familiar topics, settings
and actions
Score: 113-115
Understand messages and stories that include unfamiliar words and some
CEFR: B1 idiomatic expressions
Consistently connect information throughout stories and academic talks to infer
Identify specific information in longer texts
Students understand conversations, simple stories and age-appropriate
academic talks.
4 Out of 5
Badges They can:
Understand less frequently used words that describe familiar topics, settings
Score: 110-112 and actions
CEFR: A2 Understand messages and stories that include unfamiliar words and some
idiomatic expressions
Consistently connect information throughout stories and academic talks to infer
Identify specific information in longer texts
Students understand basic conversations and simple stories. They begin to
understand age-appropriate academic talks.
3 Out of 5
Badges They can:
Understand less common words that describe familiar topics, settings and
Score: 107-109 actions (examples: pocket, pour, lamp, branch)
CEFR: A2 Understand indirect responses to questions in conversations
Understand messages in which information is not explicitly stated
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