Page 116 - 2020 교육계획서(초등)
P. 116
2020학년도 학교교육계획(초등)
Singapore Korean International School
Connect information to infer main idea or topic of messages, stories,
informational texts
Synthesize information from multiple locations in a longer, spoken text
Students understand basic conversations and messages and begin to
understand stories and informational texts.
2 Out of 5
Badges They can:
Understand common expressions used in everyday conversations
Score: 104-106
Understand a simple, single instruction spoken in familiar words, with key
CEFR: A1 words repeated
Understand the purpose of messages in which key information is repeated
Understand the main ideas of simple stories in which key information is
explicitly stated and repeated
Students begin to recognize a few familiar words in speech such as words for
objects, places and people.
1 Out of 5
Badges They may be able to:
Identify familiar words with visual support
Score: 100
CEFR: Pre-A1
TOEFL Junior Score Descriptors (Grades 5-6)
Overall Total Overall Performance Descriptor CEFR Profile
Score Level Scale
These descriptions represent performance A typical student at
in middle schools which use English for this level achieved
instruction. A typical student at this level: these section-level
CEFR scores:
5 845–900 Consistently demonstrates comprehension B2 for all sections
Superior of complex written and spoken materials,
drawing on knowledge of complex
language structures and vocabulary.
4 785–840 Often demonstrates comprehension of B1 for all sections
Accomplishe complex written and spoken materials,
d drawing on knowledge of complex language
structures and vocabulary.
3 730–780 Demonstrates comprehension of some Mostly B1 for all
Expanding complex written and spoken materials sections, but
and most basic materials, drawing on occasionally A2
knowledge of basic language structures
and vocabulary.
2 655–725 Occasionally demonstrates comprehension Mostly A2 for all
Progressing of basic written and spoken materials, sections, but
drawing on knowledge of basic language occasionally A1 for
structures and vocabulary. Reading and Listening
1 600–650 Can comprehend some very basic written Mostly A1 for
Emerging and spoken texts, drawing on knowledge of Listening and
basic language structures and vocabulary, Reading; mostly A2
but needs to further develop these language for Language, Form
skills and comprehension abilities. and Meaning
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