Page 26 - Layout 1
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Page 26:Layout 1  16/07/2013  13:20  Page 1

            26                                                               Kewstoke Spring
                                                                             Kewstoke Spring
                                                                           Fours Tournament
                                                                           Fours Tournament
                                                                        Kewstoke S.M.B.C held their An-
                                                                        Kewstoke S.M.B.C held their An-
                                                                        nual Fours Tournament with six-
                                                                        nual Fours Tournament with six-
                                                                        teen  teams  competing  from
                                                                        teen  teams  competing  from
                                                                        Somerset,  Bristol,  Berkshire,
                                                                        Somerset,  Bristol,  Berkshire,
                                                                        Oxfordshire, Wiltshire, Hereford
                                                                        Oxfordshire, Wiltshire, Hereford
                                                                        and four local teams from North
                                                                        and four local teams from North
                                                                              The competition was hotly
                                                                              The competition was hotly
              WINNERS HIGHBRIDGE                                        contested with all four semi-fi-
                                                                        contested with all four semi-fi-
                                                                        nalists  winning  all  of  their
                                                                        nalists  winning  all  of  their
             Stan White, Ann Cross, Maurice White and                   Round Robin games. Following
             Stan White, Ann Cross, Maurice White and
                                                                        Round Robin games. Following
              David Parsons with Kewstoke's Chairman                    this, neither semi-final was very
              David Parsons with Kewstoke's Chairman
                                                                        this, neither semi-final was very
                                 Mike Davis.
                                 Mike Davis.                            close  with  Highbridge  scoring
                                                                        close  with  Highbridge  scoring
              on six of the ten ends taking 9 shots against Timsbury‘s 4.
              on six of the ten ends taking 9 shots against Timsbury‘s 4.
                    The other semi-final between Wye Wayfarers from Herefordshire and local
                    The other semi-final between Wye Wayfarers from Herefordshire and local
              club Hutton was slightly better with
              club Hutton was slightly better with
              the Hereford team winning ten shots
              the Hereford team winning ten shots
              to six against Hutton.
              to six against Hutton.
                    In the final we saw some excel-
                    In the final we saw some excel-
              lent bowling between the two teams
              lent bowling between the two teams
              but  the  Hereford  four  just  didn’t
              but  the  Hereford  four  just  didn’t
              seem  to  have  that  little  bit  of  luck
              seem  to  have  that  little  bit  of  luck
              you sometimes need!
              you sometimes need!
                    The  Highbridge  team  just  out-
                    The  Highbridge  team  just  out-
              played them and the final score was
              played them and the final score was
                                                                    FINALISTS WYE WAYFARERS
              Highbridge 16 shots to 2. Well done.                  FINALISTS WYE WAYFARERS
              Highbridge 16 shots to 2. Well done.
                    The  whole  day  went  very  well
                    The  whole  day  went  very  well
                                                                        Neil Kellett, Mark Wardley,
              with many teams looking forward to
              with many teams looking forward to                        Neil Kellett, Mark Wardley,
                                                                     Pam Kellett and Isobel Wardley
              coming  back  next  year.  During  the                 Pam Kellett and Isobel Wardley
              coming  back  next  year.  During  the
              day  we  held  a  raffle,  which  raised  £210.00,  which  has  been  donated  to  the
              day  we  held  a  raffle,  which  raised  £210.00,  which  has  been  donated  to  the
              Macmillan Nurses fund.  A big thank you to all those who contributed to a very
              Macmillan Nurses fund.  A big thank you to all those who contributed to a very
              successful day. (Ed - missed it this year but hope to be back next year).
              successful day. (Ed - missed it this year but hope to be back next year).
                                 Kath Francombe   Tournament Organiser
                                                       Tournament Organiser
                                                    UNDER 18’S
                                                    UNDER 18’S
                                               FOR THE FUTURE
                                               FOR THE FUTURE
                                           This  picture  was  taken  at  a
                                           practice  session  before  the
                                           Under  18  National  Champi-
                                           onships.  Somerset had 21 en-
                                           tries in total, the largest number in England this year and 4
                                           places  were  given,  in  the  group  photo  from  left  to  right  is
                                           George Carter (Martock), Shaun Davis (Templecombe), Lewis
                                           Bailey (Martock) and Daniel White (East Coker). It shows the
                                           interest for Short mat Bowls and bodes well for the future of
                                           our sport in Somerset and illustrates how lucky we are in com-
           parison to others
                          Alan Berry
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