Page 27 - Layout 1
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Page 27:Layout 1  16/07/2013  15:07  Page 1

                         WINNINGTON PARK INDOOR BOWLS                                                        27
                         WINNINGTON PARK INDOOR BOWLS
              And yet another Short Mat League comes to an end; some teams are happy, others
              are not. Some players won in the weekly raffle, others were happy with a sweet out of
              the winners shared box! They tell us that it is not the winning that is important but the
              taking part.
                                                                  Try  telling  that  to  the  Blasters  or  the
                                                                  Wreckers!  Every  team,  quite  rightly,
                                                                  wants to win. As it happened, with the
                                                                  help of a handicap system and a good
                                                                  spread of prizes, every team went up, on
                                                                  the  last  night,  to  receive  an  envelope
                                                                  from Peter Kelly.
                                                                        The  Socialites,  followed  by  the
                                                                  Blasters, won the league yet again. The
            SOCIALITES                                            Aristocrats came in third. In the final of
              the Team Knockout, the Aristocrats went down to the Socialites (Sorry lads, only one
              photograph).  The losing semi finalists were the Patriots and the Goodfellows.
                    The Pairs Round Robin proved to be quite a tussle, over four weeks. With the help
              of a good handicap, the Unpredictables
              were  leading  until  the  penultimate
              round; they then had a poor showing
              against the Goodfellows, the eventual
              winner.  The  Wreckers  and  the  Aces
              were equal third.

                                                              The  backroom  workers,  Gill  Sambrook  –
                                                              Treasurer and Alan Whitelegg – League Sec-
                                                              retary, received a vote of thanks as we sat
                      UNPREDICTABLES                          down to a splendid, end of season supper
              and the presentations.  A fitting end to twenty weeks of ding – dong battles.

                    AND SO SAY ALL OF US
                    AND SO SAY ALL OF US
              The Short Mat Season ends and the trophies appear. Some                                   DAVE
              are awarded for what was a lucky wick on the last end of a                               HULME
              game;  none  the  less  still  deserved.  Some  trophies  are
              based on the seasons play. Some are decided by the ap-
              pointment of one person and others, perhaps more presti-
              giously, are awarded on the result of a vote.
                    Dave Hulme, of Rudheath Bowling Club, was over-
              whelmed to be the recipient of two trophies for this year.
              First he was voted the Players’ Player of the season for the
              Cheshire County ‘A’ Team, and then he was awarded the
              Cheshire Captain’s Player of the Year Cup. This was his
              first year for Cheshire ‘A’ team. How does that song go? ”…
              …….and so say all of us”. Well done, Dave!
                 John Downs
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