The Malvernian - Spring 2021
P. 1
Transform Their World
Spring 2021
In this issue
Dear Parents
Having had a successful Autumn Term, with school open for the duration, and pupils benefitting greatly from working together academically, across the wide array of activities and in their Houses, I was optimistic that the Spring Term could follow suit with the added benefit of a regular testing centre set up on site in The Grub.
The Government’s last-minute decision on Monday 4 January was therefore deeply disappointing and meant a swift change of plans for pupils and staff alike. I have been deeply impressed with the way that staff and pupils have remained determinedly upbeat in the main, and that they have persistently found ways to stay focused and engaged. The contents of this publication will give you a taste of what has still been possible.
Unlike the Summer Term, we have approximately 60 boarders in school who have all moved into House No.7 and Ellerslie. Whilst they have missed their families and some of their usual friendship groups, they have adapted well to their temporary House move and are benefitting from being able to socialise in their House bubbles and being able to use school facilities where that has been possible. My thanks go to the House and catering staff who continue to look after and support these pupils during this lockdown.
Assemblies 2
Online Learning in
Modern Foreign Languages 3
Research into UK
Universities and Courses 4
MIND Society 5 Lucretian Society 6 Psychology Society 7 Literary Society –
Keeps Calm and Carries On 7 Online (Outdoor) Pursuits 8 Chapel Prefects 10 Ace Dance Club 10 Pupil Thrive Group 10 Financial Times Student
Advocacy Programme 11 Hamlet Context Poster 11 School House News 12 Ellerslie House News 13 House No.2 News 14 House No.3 News 16-18 House No.9 News 20 Drama and Musical Theatre 21 Sport 22 CCF Online 24 Locate the Hidden Cadets 25
Our Qualities
Resilience | Self-awareness | Open-mindedness | Kindness | Collaboration Risk-taking | Curiosity | Ambition | Independence | Integrity | Humility