Page 13 - Captured Companion Guide ESV
P. 13
Captured: Lesson Five
Chapter 5: In Zamboanga City
• Introduce the story:
Have you ever lost anything special to you? What did you lose? How did losing it make your feel? Did you
ever find it again? How did finding it make you feel?
The Bible shares stories that Jesus told about missing things. Let’s read one of the stories Jesus told his
friends. We can find it in Luke 15:8-10.
What did the women lose? (silver coin)
How did she look for her coin? (lit lamp, swept house, and searched)
What did she do when she found the coin? (called her friends/neighbors together to share the news)
In today’s story, we are going to see what happens when something very precious to the Hess family is lost.
While we read today’s chapter, color the picture on page 12 or on any of the previous pages.
Read Captured Chapter 5.
• Something to Think About (review questions):
1. In what place did the soldiers put the missionary families? (old police barracks)
2. What things did the soldiers take away from the missionaries? (Bibles, pencils, pens, pocketknives)
3. What was their plan to get the Bibles back? (Pray to God. Make special request for Bibles to be returned.)
4. Which books were and were not returned? (Holy Bible, and not New Testaments)
5. What place were the missionaries allowed to visit with a guard? (Philippine marketplace)
Read Psalm 119:1. In our verse today, David reminds us that God’s Word is so precious that he hid it in his
heart. But why did he hide God’s Word in his heart? So that he would not sin against God.
• Action Plan (do something):
Take all 5 verses you have learned so far and staple them together as a booklet.
Put the booklet in a safe place, like inside your Bible. Look at each verse every
day this week and practice saying them until you know them by heart.
• Memory Verse:
Psalm 119:11 ESV
I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.
• Talk to God:
Thank you, God, for loving us so much that you gave us your Word. Help us to take time to memorize it and
to hide it in our hearts and minds.
• What we learned from this chapter…
Captured © 2023 One Mission Society. This page may be copied in its entirety as a supplement to the Captured missions biography resource.
One Mission Kids • One Mission Society, PO Box A, Greenwood IN 46142 • Phone: 317.888.3333 •