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Page 18                          Wynnum High and Intermediate School
          yards relay team also secured records. Peter Monks was Senior Boys’
              In inter-house tennis, football, cricket and cross-country race we
          did not do so well, although we came a close second to Liney in the
              Griffith was well represented in Q.S.S.S.S.A. competitions, especially
          in swimming, football, cricket and athletics. Outstanding representatives
          were Annette Curtis and Corrie Meyer (basketball); Margaret Kerr and
          Graham Curtis (swimming); Peter Hamilton and Glynn Edwards (foot
          ball); Annette Curtis and Malcolm Wilson (tennis); James Crammond
          and Robert Buzacott (cricket); Selwyn Loynes and Peter Monks
              Our representatives in the McWhirter Cup life-saving competition
          for girls, were Frances Ede and Margaret Kerr, while Phil Railings and
          Graham Curtis were representatives in the boys’’ life-saving competition.
              In closing, we would like to thank our teachers, especially Miss
          Nixon, Miss Hais and Mr. Hazell, for their invaluable help during the
          year. Thanks also are due to the vice-captains, Anita Eizenbergs and
          Dennis Whitty for their work behind the scenes. Griffith House boys
          would like to extend to Mr. Hazell their gratitude for his invaluable
          help in the preparation of the oval for the inter-house athletic

                              LILLEY HOUSE
                        House Captains: Liga Mezmails, Stuart Napier.
              “Consider the Lilleys of the field; they toil not, neither do they spin.
          Yet Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of us.’’
              We got away to a very good start this year by winning the much
          coveted swimming cup which Lilley House had not held previously. P.
          Baker, giving a very fine display, won the girls’ junior championship,
          and K. Paxman won the boys’ minor championship. Congratulations to
          the other champions. We were well represented in the State Secondary
          Schools’ competition by our girls, B. Arnold, J. McQuillan, J. Cafferky,
          and L. Newcombe, and the following boys, R. Wren, G. Drew and E.
              In Inter-House Rugby League each House fielded two teams. Al
          though expected to come third, Lilley House walked off with the new
          trophy presented by last year’s Seniors, by winning three games out of
          four. In Inter-School fixtures, Ray Wren ably captained the School’s
          “A” team and N. Smith was captain of the 8 stone 71b. team.
              Lilley girls were well represented in the School basketball teams.
          Jill Paterson captained the “A” basketball team, there being four other
          Lilley girls on the “A” team, as well as several in the “B” team. Lyn
          Newcombe was captain of the girls’ “A” tennis team. Lilley House
          had a comfortable win in the inter-house basketball and is now all set
          to win the girls’ tennis, which is to be played.
              We unfortunately lost our strategic lead on sports day, when, owing
          to great generosity on our part, Wentworth were allowed to forge
          ahead and win the Past Students’ Athletics Cup. However we had quite
          a successful day. Jill Paterson won all her events and obtained the
          girls’ senior championship, and Peter Jocumsen was the junior boy
          champion. We held all first and third placings in the three cricket ball
          throws. The ball game teams acquitted themselves very well, and
          special mention should be made of the minor teams who broke three of
          the ball games records. Other records attained by our House were
          those of P. Locke, junior 440, and A. Klaikalietis, open shot putt.
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