Page 132 - PG 101-Course notes مذكرة النظري 24-25 with spec
P. 132
Medicinal plants (PG 101) Level 1 Clinical Pharmacy-PharmD
▪ Ergometrine is used to induce uterine
contractions and control uterine haemorrhage
(oxytocic effect).
▪ Ergotamine is used to control migraine
B) Basidiomycota: o Food: Many mushrooms have been cultivated for food,
club molds except black forest mushroom which is toxic.
o Parasitic: Attack plants, known as smuts and rusts.
o Poisonous: e.g., Fly mushroom
C) Deuteromycota Example is Penicillium: Several species of Penicillium,
family Aspergillaceae. Examples:
❑ Penicillium notatum (Production of
❑ P. roquefortii (Manufacture of blue
D) Zygomycota Example is Nematode-trapping fungi which trap and
digest eelworms.
Some are used in manufacture of contraceptives and
coloring matters.
Lichen consists of an algae and a fungus in intimate symbiosis.
Algae component: Usually green or blue green algae.
Fungal component: Cup or sac fungi, except very few tropical species that have
club fungi.
Lichen is identified by its own unique fungal component.
The algal cells provide carbohydrates by photosynthesis