Page 18 - Dental Benefit Plan Summary
P. 18


                                                                   Percentage of Eligible Expenses

                        Benefit Description & Limitation                 Payable by the Plan:
                                                                     Network           Non-Network
                        *You must also pay the amount of the Dentist's fee, if any, which is greater than the
                                                       Eligible Expense.

                     Space Maintainers

                     Limited to Covered Persons under the age   80% after you meet   80% after you meet
                     of 19 years, once per lifetime. Benefit        the Annual           the Annual
                     includes all adjustments within 6 months       Deductible           Deductible
                     of installation.

                     Pin Retention                              80% after you meet   80% after you meet
                                                                    the Annual           the Annual
                                                                    Deductible           Deductible


                     Apexification                              80% after you meet   80% after you meet
                                                                    the Annual           the Annual
                                                                    Deductible           Deductible

                     Apicoectomy and Retrograde filling         80% after you meet   80% after you meet
                                                                    the Annual           the Annual
                                                                    Deductible           Deductible

                     Hemisection                                80% after you meet   80% after you meet
                                                                    the Annual           the Annual
                                                                    Deductible           Deductible

                     Root Canal Therapy                         80% after you meet   80% after you meet
                                                                    the Annual           the Annual
                                                                    Deductible           Deductible

                     Retreatment of Previous Root Canal
                     Therapy                                    80% after you meet   80% after you meet
                     Dentist who performed the original root        the Annual           the Annual
                     canal should not be reimbursed for the         Deductible           Deductible
                     retreatment for the first 12 months.

                     Root Resection/Amputation                  80% after you meet   80% after you meet
                                                                    the Annual           the Annual
                                                                    Deductible           Deductible

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