Page 106 - Fire Insurance Ebook IC 57
P. 106
Fire and Consequential Loss Insurance
difficulty of salvaging plant, machinery and
stocks, and the added danger to firemen, but also
because of reduced water pressure at a greater
(v) Another hazard is that of enhanced exposure
risk, especially where the building has many wall
openings. Window openings on successive floors
just below one another also help spread fire
The greater the size of the building, greater is the fire
hazard. There is more value at risk in a large building
than a small one. Also because of the size, it is more
difficult to locate and fight fire.
Q8. Discuss the concept of silent risks.
Ans. A risk is said to be 'silent' when it is not used for
manufacturing purposes.
A lower rate of premium is charged for the silent period,
but a warranty is inserted stating that during the currency
of the policy, the said premises are silent and that no
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