Page 102 - Fire Insurance Ebook IC 57
P. 102

Fire and Consequential Loss Insurance

presence of other buildings in hazardous
occupation, location in conflagration area etc,
exposure due to absence of people to raise alarm
and locked or inaccessible premises.

These hazards arise mostly due to the closeness of the
exposed property to adjoining buildings from which a
fire may spread, or loss or damage from smoke, heat,
water or breakage may occur.

Exposure is defined as ' the likelihood of a building or
its contents sustaining damage or becoming ignited
by reason of a fire in adjoining or neighbouring

The three main factors that are considered in
exposure hazard are :
(i) Constructional features - This feature consists

     of non standard constructional features,
     unsatisfactory party walls and open areas /spaces
     surrounded by buildings.

(ii) Distance from other buildings - This feature

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