Page 8 - Portfolio
P. 8

Pedaling Profits

             Chinese summary




             English summary

                    Giant is a world-famous bicycles manufacturer. Almost 20

             million bicycles are sold yearly.  e reason why giant become out-
             standing is that it has high capability and prices.  e scale of the
             company was not large in the beginning, but now it has 11 thou-

             sand dealers around the world.  e CEO of Giant is enthusiastic

             about cycling, which is the key to understanding the market. Also,

             Giant covers manufacturing, supplying and developing.  rough
             the competitions held by Giant Company, it able to gain more

             information related to bicycles to become better and better.

             Creative slogan: Riding on the saddle of Giant

                     e idea of our slogan is from a saying, “If I have seen further

             it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” By riding on the Gi-

             ant’s bikes, you can broaden your horizons.

             Marketing campaign

                    Holding an event that buyers can receive merchandise, such as

             bottles, T-shirt and towels, for free by buying bicycles.

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