Page 12 - Portfolio
P. 12
Wiring the World
Chinese summary
網路,使用醫療照護、與遠方家人聯繫,因此,他想出了一個計劃 為了達成此目標,他希望與其他社群媒體和行動資訊業者攜
English summary
Mark Zuckerberg wants to help two-thirds of the world's pop-
ulation to access to the Internet for accessing health care, connect-
ing with family and so on and so forth. As a result, he came up with
an idea, that is, With a view to achieving this goal,
Zuckerberg would like to collaborate with other social media and
mobile data. How to take action on this mission? First of all, do the
marketing research in order to collect a lot of data of users. After
that, improve the working e ciency of application.
Creative slogan
e INTERNETional(international) World
To make the internet without boundary around the globe.
Marketing campaign
To promote Facebook, subsidizing the countries that without
internet to help them construct internet.
S 社群網站的先驅、擁有大量用戶資料
O 全球三分之二的人口未使用網路
T 新興社群網站的出現、政府單位的監督