Page 71 - Was Menschen wirklich wollen Lese-PDF für Biblets
P. 71
Vogelhuber, Scheelen - What people really want
Carl Gustav Jung also distinguished four basic human
functions, namely thinking, feeling, intuition and sensation.
The terms introvert as well as extravert and these four basic
human functions form the framework of the IN- SIGHTS MDI®
model. Jung distinguished eight types:
• Introverted sensibility
• Introverted intuition
• Introverted thinking
• Introverted feeling
• Extraverted sensation
• Extraverted intuition
• Extraverted thinking
• Extraverted feeling
William Moulton Marston, in turn, summarized human behavior
into four behavior patterns and assigned a color to each behavior
pattern for better differentiation:
• Red - Dominant
• Yellow - Intuitive
• Green - Steady
• Blue - Conscientious
Finally, Jolande Jacobi combined C. G. Jung's theory of types
and William Moulton Marston's behavioral patterns into a model
of her own, which makes it clear in particular that the different
behavioral patterns lead to behavioral types, whose behavior,
however, overlaps. Thus, mixed types emerge, which were
subsequently further differentiated by other psychologists.