Page 8 - Parkinsons disease
P. 8

2.         Oligodendrocytes:  These support cells

                    produce a fatty protective sheath which

                    surrounds the neuron and allows it to conduct

                    its message more efficiently. If the

                    oligodendrocytes are damaged or not working,

                    the neurons function less efficiently if at all. An

                    example of the loss of this sheath and its effects

                    can be seen in those who suffer from multiple


            Oligodendrocyte in Blue; Neuron in Red

            _sheath.svg:*Complete_neuron_cell_diagram_en.svg: LadyofHatsderivative
            work: Andrew c (talk) - Neuron_with_oligodendrocyte_and_myelin_sheath.svg,
            Public Domain,
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