Page 28 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 28
LOS 34.l: Explain how a bond’s exposure to each of the READING 34: THE TERM STRUCTURE AND
factors driving the yield curve can be measured and how these INTEREST RATE DYNAMICS
exposures can be used to manage yield curve risks.
Key Rate Duration
Superior for measuring the impact of nonparallel yield curve shifts. Captures sensitivity of the
value of a security (or a bond portfolio) to changes in a single par rate, holding all other spot
rates constant. It isolates price sensitivity to a change in the yield at a particular maturity only.
Conceptually, we could determine the key rate duration for the five-year segment of the
yield curve by changing only the five-year par rate and observing the change in value of the
portfolio. Keep in mind that every security or portfolio has a set of key rate durations—one
for each key rate. For example, a bond portfolio has interest rate risk exposure to only three
maturity points on the par rate curve:
• the 1-year, With key rate durations represented by:
• 5-year, and D = 0.7,
• 25-year maturities D = 3.5, and
D 25 = 9.5, respectively.
The model for yield curve risk durations would be: