Page 28 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 28

LOS 34.l: Explain how a bond’s exposure to each of the                                    READING 34: THE TERM STRUCTURE AND
    factors driving the yield curve can be measured and how these                                              INTEREST RATE DYNAMICS
    exposures can be used to manage yield curve risks.
                                                                                                 MODULE 34.6: INTEREST RATE MODELS

    Key Rate Duration
    Superior for measuring the impact of nonparallel yield curve shifts. Captures sensitivity of the
    value of a security (or a bond portfolio) to changes in a single par rate, holding all other spot
    rates constant. It isolates price sensitivity to a change in the yield at a particular maturity only.

   Conceptually, we could determine the key rate duration for the five-year segment of the
   yield curve by changing only the five-year par rate and observing the change in value of the
   portfolio. Keep in mind that every security or portfolio has a set of key rate durations—one
   for each key rate. For example, a bond portfolio has interest rate risk exposure to only three
   maturity points on the par rate curve:

     • the 1-year,              With key rate durations represented by:
     • 5-year, and              D = 0.7,
     • 25-year maturities       D = 3.5, and
                                D 25  = 9.5, respectively.

     The model for yield curve risk durations would be:
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