Page 62 - EALC C306/505
P. 62
Written Exercises
A) Translate into English:
1. 申生雖少亦知義矣
2. 君殺臣則人豈不惡之乎
3. 姬氏周王之族也是以國人皆貴之
4. 臣所受於君者命也君所求於臣者敬也
5. 寡人雖無德豈敢傷世子乎驪姬雖勸寡人亦弗害
6. 重耳問於其父曰皆言君愛驪氏不愛世子是乎對曰然
7. 申生所敬於狐突蓋其能恭而直言也
8. 欲顯父母於天下必先立身欲立身必先有行義之志
9. 人問晉之上卿曰獻公其亂乎曰亂矣曰然則盍弒之乎
10. 孟子謂申生曰其為人也至孝矣雖至於死亦不可傷父心
11. 或謂仲尼曰吾聞之君子無所欲對曰否哉君子不欲仁則非君子也
12. 申生豈欲死乎不敢行非義而已矣
13. 君子圖仁小人圖富君子圖利人小人圖受其利
B) Translate into WYW, following the grammar as closely as possible:
1. There is nothing I want.
2. Although that’s so, I must seek wealth and high rank.
3. If I didn’t seek wealth and high rank, then I wouldn’t be acting as a filial son.