Page 63 - EALC C306/505
P. 63
4. How could I want people to call me unfilial?
5. For this reason, I plan to assassinate the ruler and set up my dad as duke.
Supplementary Exercise Vocabulary
族 zú (N) lineage, clan
敬 jìng (N) attentiveness, respectfulness; (V) to respect, to treat with alert
care; (Adj/SV) to be respectful, to be attentive
勸 quàn (V) to urge, persuade
蓋 gài (Adv.) Probably; (V) to cover; (N) a cover
君子 junzǐ (N) superior man, gentleman [NB: Confucian usage; derived from
root meaning of “ruler’s son,” or aristocrat. Like “gentleman” in
English, the word loses its association with birth and comes to
denote moral worth.]
是 shì (SV) to be correct, to be the case
否 fǒu (Adv) not so [an antonym of rán 然 (also an antonym of shì 是: to
be the case)]
非 fei *(Adverb) negative adverb [see exercise vocabulary list] before
Stative Verbs; the form 非 SV creates a noun-like form that can be
rendered in English as "that which is not SV"
利 lì (N) profit, benefit; (V) to benefit