Page 18 - Más allá del aula 3
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Más allá del aula III: Experiencias y reflexiones docentes
The present book compiles writings, reflections and research
reports, and the school is the theater from which these
compositions emerge, written by colleague teachers at Enrique
Olaya Herrera School. There exists an amazing enthusiasm for
writing, knowledge and school-based research. As in every school
around the world, there is an endless source of anonymous
histories to be told. The school is the place …
Then, dear reader, once you decide to venture into this volume
pages, you will meet ten writings written by teachers’ hands –those
who have learned from their own pupils. Cesar Augusto Patiño,
with a philosophical judgement in his Writing Más allá del aula:
Recuperación de la Experiencia de Niños y Niñas del Círculo de
Estudiantes Escritores del IED Enrique Olaya Herrera. The author
expresses his self-dealing as a fundamental concern in the world-
of-life. He develops an interesting cross-analysis of the writing
work done by the children and young writers throughout the
project Medio Pan y un Libro, and the reflection tools provided by
the philosophy perspectives. Similar thing makes Oscar Alejandro
Barrios in his writing: La subjetividad en el círculo de estudiantes
escritores y sus implicaciones para la práctica educativa.
On the contrary, Nancy Ortiz presents her writing Reflexiones
sobre las Necesidades Educativas en Colombia desde una
perspectiva pedagógica, in which she reflects on the causes of the
low academic achievements in the context of the public schools in
Bogotá, and how those results link to juvenile crime. Julio Andrés
Estupiñan’s interests focus on science teaching, as presented in his
work Adquisición de competencias Cognitivo-Lingüísticas en
Ciencias: Una Propuesta a partir del Proceso de Formación de
Representaciones Iconográficas Alternativas. Sandra Ruiz, Blanca
Yaneth Pinzón y Filemón Ramírez share their interests in
mathematics in their writing Las tecnologías de la Web 2.0
empleadas en la didáctica de las matemáticas, para los estudiantes
del grado quinto de la IED Enrique Olaya Herrera. Additionally,
Fernando Ignacio Guevara contributes with his reflection
Propuesta para la enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales en clave
decolonial y para el postconflicto en la educación escolar se
mueven alrededor de las Ciencias Sociales.
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