Page 19 - Más allá del aula 3
P. 19

Más allá del aula III: Reflexiones y experiencias docentes

               For  her  part,  Lida  Milena  Álvarez  addresses  the  educational
            policy in Bogotá through her writing Implementación de la Política
            Currículo  40X40:  Análisis  del  Proceso  de  Armonización
            Curricular  del  Centro  de  Interés  en  la  Institución  Educativa
            Distrital  Enrique  Olaya  Herrera  IED  en  el  2014.   Dr.  Fernando
            forero’s:  La  Escolarización  de  la  Violencia:  una  Reflexión  en
            Tono  a  la  Violencia  escolar,  approaches  violence  in  the  school
            context.  It  becomes  a  meaningful  text  that  must  be  consulted  by
            teachers who spend most of their lives within the school. The Latin
            America  tone  in  this  volume  is  in  Cristhian  Ricardo  Santos  y
            Claudio Ramírez  Angarita’s hands, in their respective reflections:
            Apuntes  para  una  Propuesta  Pedagógica  de-colonial:  entre  el
            Eurocentrismo Filosófico y el Saber/Hacer de una Filosofía de la
            Liberación y La Vigencia de Escribir sobre lo Polémico: El Caso
            de la Integración desde Hugo Chávez. Santos’ writing is a dialogue
            that aims to understanding why the European philosophy does not
            entail  a  universal  meaning.  Meanwhile,  Ramirez’s  reflection
            reveals a new view of Our America integration, in which different
            reasons and misrepresentations generated by mass media stand out.
               Finally,  we  invite  the  historical  Karl  Marx,  who  shares  his
            youthful student print in front of his beloved father in: Reflections
            of a young man in the election of a profession.

                                             Translated by Ivan Potier H.

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