Page 59 - Ignite Change: Unleashing thought leadership - A roadmap to thougth leadership
P. 59

Word of caution: always keep it real. Be authentic about your story and your

               purpose. Another way to lose credibility and respect quickly is to be disingenuous.

                                                    Figure 23 Voldemorting

               Are you wondering about your online persona now? Do you know what information is
               online about you?

                                  Learning Task

                                  Use the Career Blast tool to get

                                  a quick (and enlightening) view
                                  of your current online persona.

                                      Click on the icon

               Do I really need to develop my online persona? Yes, you do. It is pointless to create

               amazing and insightful content and to have a bunch of innovative ideas that could
               really make a difference in your niche, if no one knows about it. You can’t be

               regarded as a thought leader is no one knows who you are – you need to be
               “discoverable” online and you need to build connections who can help you develop

               your ideas further.

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