Page 5 - November 2021
P. 5

We struggle with the current trauma and  to the time sitting and thinking about
        also with the past trauma. We struggle                 your daily life.  As the old grief fades in

        to forgive others, and sadly, we often                 intensity, you will feel released from your
        struggle to forgive ourselves.                         past. In the meantime, just be easy and

        Grief comes in many forms, and when                    patient with the process and know that
        it is not expressed and processed, it                  grief doesn’t hold a timestamp.
        hardens our hearts. It is healthier and

        functional to release this pain on a                                      Ann Sousa
        personal, communal, and global level. To

        be able to open our hearts again, we need                                 Memorial is scheduled for
        to learn how to put the grieving process                                  November 13, 2021 and
        within the proper frequencies which                                       can be attended virtually.

        allow transformation and growth.                                
        If you are feeling sorrowful even though                                  life-of/rose-ann-sousa/

        there are no recent losses in your life,               funeral/?fbclid=IwAR05mLaLJRqb-
        then it is likely that your old grief was              nd6yi0llfnUqXM7cBiuBnjv7_
        never fully processed. Sometimes the                   qC3Vb4R6HfHy3DFd5M7D0

        emotional healing process is not limited

                                                                           Gift Ideas

                                                                   If you are curious to see how

                                                                 your personality may look like
                                                                if it is depicted on canvas, let me

                                                                show it to you. My paintings will

                                                                 not show your face or body, but
                                                                 instead they are images of your

                                                                  inner world… from what I see

                                                                            and how I see it.

                                                                    Take a free short personality quiz to
                                                                    see what your portrait might look like!

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