Page 84 - International Marketing
P. 84
86 International Marketing BRILLIANT'S
and Promotion; Ministry of Textile, Dept of Agriculture and Co-operation,
Ministry of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Surface Transport and others according
to requirements of Inter-ministerial co-ordination and to give the required
impetus to the export sector as truly national priority activity.
Commodity Organizations
A number of organizations have been established in the country with
the objective of promoting and strengthening commodity specialization.
More important among them are the Export Promotion Council and the
Commodity Boards.
1. Export Promotion Councils (EPC): EPCs are supported by
financial assistance from the Central Govt. These councils advise the
government regarding current developments in the export sector and
measures necessary to facilitate future growth in exports, assist
manufacturers and exporters to overcome the various constraints and
extend to them the full range of services for the development of market
overseas. The councils also perform certain regulatory functions as they
have the power to de-register defaulting exporters.
There are 19 Export Promotion councils covering the following
products. Apparals; basic chemicals, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics,
chemicals and allied products; carpet, cashew, cotton textiles, Electronics
and Computer software, Engineering, Gems and Jewellery; Handicrafts,
Handlooms, leather, overseas construction, Plastic and Linoleums, shellac;
silk, Synthetic and Rayon Textiles; Sports goods and wool and wollens.
These councils are non profit making limited
companies registered under the Companies Commodity
Act. The Ministry of Commerce provides Organisations
necessary assistance in relation to their 1. Export Promotion
programmes of work. Councils (EPC)
These councils advise the Govt. regarding 2. Commodity Boards
current developments in the export sector and 3. Marine Products
measures necessary to facilitate future growth Export Development
in exports, assist manufacturers and exporters Authority (MPEDA)
to overcome the various constraints and extend 4. Agricultural and Pro-
them to full range of services for the cessed food Produc-
development of market overseas. The councils ts Export Develop-
also perform certain regulatory functions as ment Authority
they have the power to de-register errant or (APEDA)
defaulting exports.