Page 67 - GS_Journal_2015
P. 67
Urdaneta City University
nurses’ migration to other countries along career, personal, environmental and social. It further
dealt on the effects of nurse’s migration to the health care delivery system along health care
manpower, provision of care and health care coverage and accessibility. Based on the findings,
a proposed program will be developed to lessen the migration to other countries. Descriptive
survey method was used in the study utilizing a questionnaire as the main gathering tool.
Several statistical tools were used in the study life frequency counts and percentage, ANOVA,
and t-Test.
Based on the study, the following findings are gathered: Majority of the respondents
are in the age bracket of 21-25 years old, female, married, with masteral in nursing units, staff
nurses and had been in the service for 1-3 years. Along the factors that lead to nurses’ migration
to other countries, it was found out that the nurses highly agree on the items presented in the
three areas on career, personal, environmental and social. Along effects of nurse’s migration to
the health care delivery system, the respondents rated to be highly serious along health care
manpower, provision of care and health care coverage and accessibility. There is no significant
difference in the perception of the respondents along their profile variables. It showed that the
respondents have similar observations on the effects of nurses’ migration to the health care
delivery system of the country. On the significant relationship on the effects of nurse’s migration
to the health care delivery system, their age, sex, civil status, highest educational attainment
and length of service, are not significantly related to the effects of migration of nurses whereas,
a significant relationship exists between the effects of migration and their position specifically
along health care coverage and accessibility. The proposed program was developed to lessen
nurses’ migration to other countries.
Based on the findings of the study, the following are hereby concluded: Most of the
respondents are young adults, female dominated, having their own families, still pursuing their
higher degree of learning, mostly employed in the hospital and in the service for few years. They
perceived to agree that there are factors that lead nurses to migrate to other countries. The
respondents perceived that the effects of nurses’ migration affect the health care system delivery
of the country. Regardless of their profile variables, the respondents are one in saying that there
are severe effects of nurses’ migration to the health care delivery system of the country. Nurses
in the academe and public health have perceived more serious effects of migration of nurses
in the health care coverage and accessibility. The proposed program might as well reduce the
effects of migration on the health care delivery system.
Based on the conclusions of the study, the following recommendations are hereby
offered: The respondents since they are relatively young must go on to pursue with their
masteral program needed in their area of work. There must be policies to be formulated to
lessen the migration of nurses’ must have dialogues with authorities for them to be aware on
the conditions of nurses in the country. Implementation of the salary grade for nurses and other
benefits must be given to nurses. Nurses in the academe and public health must train and orient
students that they will serve the country first before other nationalities. The proposed program
can be adopted for implementation.