Page 79 - GS_Journal_2015
P. 79
Urdaneta City University
This study determined the levels of implementation of the essential Intrapartum
and newborn care by the respondent- members of the Primary Health Care Team in selected
government-owned level I birthing facilities in Pangasinan. It sought to answer the following
problems: 1) profile variable of the respondents namely: age, sex, civil status, position/role, years
in service, and hours of relevant trainings, 2) extent of adequacy of the facilities (equipment)
and facilities (supplies), 3) levels of implementation of the protocol on essential intrapartum
and newborn care by the respondents, across the profile variables, 4) the correlations between
the levels of implementation of the protocol and the profile variables considered. 5) Finally,
a proposed program to enrich the level of implementation of the essential intrapartum and
newborn care was prepared based from the results.
The following are the salient findings of this study: 1) majority of the respondent-
members of the Primary Health Care Team are relatively young, belonging to the age bracket
of 22-27 years old; predominantly females, almost equal in number of singles and married,
almost the same number of midwives and nurses, with 1-10 years in service but most have had
no relevant trainings or only 8 hours of trainings, 2) as to facilities (equipment), and facilities
(supplies), these two areas are Highly Adequate (HA), 3) levels of implementation of the protocol
on essential intrapartum and newborn care by the respondents, in Prior to Delivery, During
Delivery, After Delivery, and Total Implementation, all obtained OWM equivalent to Always
Observed (AO) in descriptive rating, and Highly Implemented (HI) in transmuted rating. No
significant mean differences are observed in the levels of implementation of the protocol with
respect to the variables, age, sex (except in During Delivery), civil status (except in During
Delivery, and After Delivery), position/ role, years in service, and hours of relevant trainings,
4) however, the levels of implementation of the protocol by the respondents, are correlated
with the variable, age, in During Delivery, After Delivery, and Total Implementation; with the
variable, sex, in After Delivery; with civil status in Prior to Delivery, During Delivery, and in Total
Implementation; with position/ role in Prior to Delivery, and After Delivery; with the variable,
years in service in Prior to Delivery, After Delivery and in Total Implementation; and finally,
correlated with the variable, hours of relevant trainings in Prior to Delivery, and After Delivery,
5) the proposed enrichment program was formulated based from identified problems in the
adequacy of equipment and supplies in these facilities and levels of implementation of the
protocol by the respondents.
The following conclusions are drawn from the salient findings: 1) the respondent-
members of the Primary Health Care Team are relatively young but experienced enough to be
able to implement the protocol on essential intrapartum and newborn care to the level of “Highly
Implemented.”, 2) the level I facilities where the respondents are employed have facilities, which
are Highly Adequate, both in equipment and supplies, 3) the protocol on essential intrapartum