Page 176 - El paraiso perdido
P. 176

P A R A D I S E   L O S T
                              B O O K   V III                                    L I B R O   VI I I
                           T H E   A R G U M E N T
                                                                        El Angel  terminó.  A  Adán,  no obstante.

        . 1d a m   Incpiires  concern ing  celestial  m olions,  is  doubtfully   Su voz tanto lo hechiza que un gran  rato
        answered.  an d   exhortad lo  search  rather  things  m ore  w orthy   Se imagina que habla y sigue oyendo.
        o f  know iedge.  A d a m   assents,  and,  still  desi roas  lo  detain   Después, como de un sueño, le responde:
        Raphael,  reíales  lo  h im   whai  he  rem em hered  since  his  own   "¿Qué gracias suficientes o que pago
        crea lio n -h is placing in Paradise; his talk  with G od concerning   Adecuado te puedo dar. divino
       solicilude  a n d   til  socieiy;  his  firsl  m eeling  a n d   nuptials  with   Historiador que apaciguaste asi
        Eve.  H is  discourse  with  th e  A ngel  thereupon;  who,  after   Mi sed de conocer y que tuviste
       adm onitions  repeated,  departs.                             La amable deferencia de narrarme
                                                                     Lo que jamás oiría y oigo ahora
                                                                     Con asombro, deleite y, como es justo,
          The Angel ended, and in Adam’s ear                         La gloria atribuyendo a quien es alto
       So charming left  his voice that he a while                   Creador? Sin embargo quedan dudas
       Thought him still speaking, still stood fixed to hear;        Que sólo tú me puedes resolver:
       Then. as new-waked. thus gratefully  replied:—                Mirando la estructura de este  Mundo.
          What thanks sufficient, or what recompense                 Los Cielos y la Tierra, y calculando
       Equal. have I to render thec. divine                          Su  magnitud-la Tierra un  punto,  un grano
       Historian, who thus largely hast allayed                      Un átomo a la faz del  firmamento
       The thirst  I  had of knowiedge. and vouchsafed               Y sus muchas estrellas que recorren
       This friendly condescension to relate                         Espacio incomprensible (porque tal
       Things else by me unsearchable-now  heard   10                Demuestran  las distancias y el  retorno
       With wonder. bul dclight. and. as is due.                     Diurno) para dar una luz mera
       With glory attributed to the high                             En  torno de la Tierra,  un  punto acaso.
       Creator? Something yet ofdoubt remains.                       Día y  noche; En  tan  vasta vigilancia
       Which only thy solution can  resolve.
       When  I  behold this goodls  frame. this World.
       Of Heaven and  Earth consisting. and compute
       Their magnitudes-this Earth. a spot, a grain.
       An atom. with the firmament compared
       And all her numbered stars. that seem  to roll
       Spaces incomprehensible (for such     20
       Their distance argües, and their swift  return
       Diurnal) merelv to officiate light
       Round  this opacous Earth. this punctual spot.
       One da\  and  night: in all  their vast survey
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