Page 14 - Newsletter 2023 Vol. 7 Issue 1_
P. 14



            Oct 29 - Nov 1                                     12 - 16

        FSL - FS2                                  2   Community Week                               16
     Supermarket Trip

         FS1-FS2 Supermarket Trip

         This trip shows that anyplace can be a learning experience
         – The Supermarket trip is included!

         A supermarket is a wonderful place for children to be made
         aware of and learn about different kinds of foods and the
         variety available there. On their visit to the supermarket,
         children were made to identify the many types of foods and
         the language to describe them. They were shown different
         sections of the supermarket (fresh fruits & vegetable
         section, grain section, toiletry section, meat/dairy/frozen
         food section, toys, etc.) Teachers explained to them how
         things are bought, billed and paid for. This taught the
         children the feeling of responsibility and demonstrated the
         variety of products available from around the world.

         EY Community Week

         EPG joins this event in giving recognition to the people
         who give their services to the community. We salute
         and thank you for your service to our community.

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