Page 31 - IT Service Catalog2017_Neat
P. 31


                      Service Code                                         IT- EUC08
                     Business Users                                      All OETC users

                         Status                                          PRODUCTION
                         Version                                               Nill
                                                Yammer  is  a  best-in-class,  secure,  and  private  enterprise  social

                                                network. Yammer empowers employees to be more productive and

                                                successful by enabling them to collaborate easily, make decisions
                                                faster,  and  self-organize  into  teams  to  take  on  any  business
                                                challenge. It’s a new way of working that naturally drives business
                                                alignment  and  agility,  reduces  cycle  times,  engages  employees,

                                                and improves relationships with both customers and partners.
                                                Staying connected is more important than ever. Yammer provides

                                                a simple way for your team to collaborate, share knowledge, and
                                                engage everyone across your company.

                Standard Service Features
                                                  External collaboration
                                                  Inbox and notifications

                                                  Discovery feed
                                                  Office integration

                                                Service Level Service will be provided within 1-3 days of receiving
                      Service Level
                                                the request not all user get this application as license concern.

                     Delivery Scope             Corporate-wide.
                                                Delivers services via the following:

                         Delivery                               •    OETC desktops/laptops
                        Channels                                •    Phones (OSI, Android, & Microsoft)
                                                                •    Tablets (OSI, Android, & Microsoft)
                                                                •    Internet Browser (IE, Firefox, Chrome, etc.)
                                                Step 1: Fill up Request for change form on I.T help desk system
                                                via the portal. Link or upon HR department instruction.
                 Ordering   Procedures
                                                Step 2: Comply with Approval Matrix to be attached (Approval /
                                                Rejection will be sent to request from(Microsoft system center)
                                                Users should comply with the end user security. Please review
                  User Responsibilities         security manual.

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