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[143]  Shemos—Bo 12:43–44 ãîYâî:áé àáZúåîù  #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55
                            Shemos—Bo 12:15–16 æèYåè:áé àáZúåîù

 43. Adonoy said to Moshe and Aharon, öÕ flþÎíÞÔêÐîí¤ÓLô-ñÓê ·íÒÖîíÐ−þÓôêÒ¥iÔî .èô  you must remove [all] leaven from your homes; ó¢Ó×−ÑzÞÖaÌôþÒ£êÐO e³−'ÌaÐLÔz
 “This is the statute of the Pesach offering: ìÔ½¢ÖtÔí³¤ÔwŠì³êÒ£ï  for anyone who eats chametz, ± †ÑôÖìñ¤Ñ×Òê-ñÖk|−¤Ìk
 No alien may eat it. :B ÞañÔ×êÒ'−-êG þ£Ö×Ñò-öÓa-ñÖk  that soul will be cut off from Yisrael. ñ flÑêÖþÐNÌiÌô ·êîÌíÔíLÓõ¥ÓpÔíí„Ö³ÐþÐ×ÌòÐî
 44. However each man’s slave L−£ÌêðÓë'Ó¼-ñÖ×Ðî .ðô  [Chametz is forbidden] from the first day [of Pesach] öÒ £LêÌþÞÖíóB'iÌô
 [if he was]purchased with money, ¹Ó½¢Ök-³ÔòКÌô  until [after] the seventh day. :−Þ̼ÌëÐMÔíóB'−-ðÔ¼
 you must circumcise him and then he may eat it. :B ÞañÔ×êÒ'−ï£ÖêB fl³Òêí¤ÖzÐñÔôe  16. The first day shall be a holy assembly LÓðÕ flš-êÖþКÌô ·öBLêÌþÞÖíóB¥iÔëe .ï¬
            [öBLêÌþÖí óBiÔa means:] from the day before Yom Tov,  ,ëB¬ óB− ëÓþÓ¼Ñô
 As is said:  ,þÔôÍêÓpÓLöÖ−Ðò̼Ök  and it is called öBLêÌþ (lit. first)  öBLêÌþ −eþÖšÐî
 “He will not permit the destroyer, etc.” 237 238  :,’BèÐî³−ÌìÐLÔnÔíöÑzÌ−êGÐî  because it comes ahead of the seven days.  .íÖ¼ÐëÌMÔí−ÑòÐõÌñ êeíÓL−ÌõÐñ
 [43] This is the statute of the Pesach offering.  .çÇñÈtÇäúÇwËçúàÉæ [âî]  We find that that which precedes is called öBLêÌþ  ,öBLêÌþ −eþÖšóÖcКeô eò−Ì®Öôe
 This section was told to them on the 14th of Nissan. 239  :Bï íÖLÖþÖtóÓíÖñíÖþÐôÓêÓòöÖ½−ÌòÐa ð"−Ða  as in “ðÑñÖeÌzóÖðÖê öBLêÌþÎí” 106  ðÑñÖeÌzóÖðÖê öBLêÌþÎíBôÐk
 [No] alien.  .øÈëÅð-ïÆa-ìÈk  [which means] “Were you born before Adam?”  ?ÖzÐðÔñBò óÖðÖê−ÑòÐõÌñÎí
 [So called] because his deeds have become alienated  î−ÖNμÔôeþÐkÔòгÌpÓL  But maybe it does refer to  êÖlÓê Bò−ÑêBê
 from his Father in heaven.  ,óÌ−ÔôÖMÔaÓLî−ÌëÖêÐñ  the first of the seven days? 107  ?íÖ¼ÐëÌLñÓL öBLêÌþ                                                                         5
 Both a non-Jew and a Jewish apostate  ðÖneLÐôñÑêÖþÐNÌ−ðÖìÓêÐî −BbÔíðÖìÓêÐî  The Torah therefore states:  þÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔz
 are included [in the words þÖ×ÑòöÓañÖk]. 240  :¼ÖôÐLÔôÐa  “Do not slaughter upon chametz,” 108  ’BèÐî±ÑôÖìñÔ¼¬ÔìÐL̳êG
 [44] You must circumcise him  BúÉàäÈzÀìÇîe [ãî]  [meaning:] “Do not slaughter the korbon Pesach  ìÔ½ÓtÔí¬ÔìÐL̳êG
 and then he may eat it. 241  B ÞaìÇëàÉéæÈà  while there is still chametz [in your possession]. 109 110  :óÖiÔš±ÑôÖìö−Ì−ÔðμÔî
 [“He” refers to] his master.  .BaÔþZ  That soul. 111  .àåÄäÇäLÆôÆpÇä
 This teaches that his uncircumcised slaves  î−ÖðÖëμ³Ôñ−ÌnÓLð−ÌbÔô  When [that soul] has its full faculties and knowledge. 112  ,dÖzмÔðÐëe dÖLÐõÔòÐëê−ÌíÓLÐk
 prevent him from partaking of the korbon Pesach;  ZìÔ½ÓtÔa ñB×ÍêÓlÌôBzÐëÔkÔ¼Ðô  This excludes [from kares] one who is forced. 113  :½eòÖêÐñ¬ÖþÐt
 This is the opinion of Rabbi Yehoshua.  .Ô¼ŠLBíÐ−−ÌaÔþ−ÑþÐëÌc  From Yisrael.  .ìÅàÈøÀNÄiÄî
 Rabbi Eliezer says:  ,þÑôBê þÓïÓ¼−ÌñÍê−ÌaÔþ  It would seem that it is cut off from Yisrael  ñÑêÖþÐNÌiÌô³ÑþÖkÌz−ÌòÎêÔ¼ÑôBL
 His uncircumcised slaves do not prevent him  BzÐëÔkÔ¼Ðôî−ÖðÖëμ³Ôñ−Ìôö−Ñê  and goes off to another nation.  ?þÑìÔêóÔ¼ÐñdÖñCÑñѳÐî
 from partaking of the korbon Pesach.  .ìÔ½Ót ñB×ÍêÓlÌô  The Torah therefore tells us elsewhere:  ,þÑìÔê óBšÖôÐaþÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔz
 If so, what is the meaning of “And then he may eat it”?  ?Ba ñÔ×êÒ−ïÖêþÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔzíÔôöÑkóÌê  “[And the soul will be cut off] from My presence,” 114  −ÔòÖõÐlÌô
 [It refers to] the slave. 242  :ðÓëÓ¼Öí  [i.e.,] “from anywhere which is My domain.” 115  :−̳eLÐþ êeíÓL óBšÖôñÖ×Ða
                             [16] A holy assembly.  .LÆãÉ÷-àÈøÀ÷Äî [æè]
                       The word êÖþКÌô is an infinitive— 116  .þÖëÖcóÑLêÖþКÌô
 237 Above, v. 23.  238 Pesachim 109b.  239 Though the previous section discusses events of the night of the 15th
 of Nissan, nevertheless the laws pertaining to the eating of the Pesach were obviously told to them earlier. (B.Y.)  105 Though the second öBLêÌþ óB− of this verse refers to the first day of Yom Tov, nevertheless, this öBLêÌþ óB− is different.
 240 Mechilta.  241 “He may eat it” in its plainest sense refers to the slave, for if the reference was to the master  106 Iyov 15, 7.  107 I.e., of Yom Tov. From where then is it derived that the obligation of being rid of yeast and
 it should have said “you may eat it” since the sentence begins by addressing the master—“ you must circumcise  unleavened bread does not actually begin on the first day of Pesach?  108 Below, 34, 25.  109 And since the time
 him.” This is the opinion of Onkelos and Yonasan Ben Uziel and one opinion in the Mechilta. On the other hand,  for slaughtering the korbon Pesach is on the 14th of Nissan (the day before Yom Tov), we, thus derive that óBiÔa
 according to this interpretation, there is a problem: Why would it be necessary to state that an uncircumcised slave  öBLêÌþÖí refers to the day before Yom Tov.  110 Mechilta, Pesachim 5a.  111 The word êîÌíÔí seems superfluous! (M.).
 may not eat the korbon Pesach when we can learn from v. 48: “But no uncircumcised male may eat of it.” Therefore  112 I.e., only a person who knowingly and willingly eats chametz is liable to the punishment of kares.  113 Mechilta.
 there is a second opinion in the Mechilta that “he may eat it” refers to the master. Rashi cites both opinions (See  114 Vayikra 22, 3.  115 Mechilta.  116 It is not an adjective word, which would have implied that it is, in and of
 M. and G.A.).  242 Mechilta.  itself, holy, without necessitating man doing anything.

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