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       [127]                Shemos—Bo 12:16–17   æéYæè:áé àáZúåîù                      #                        Shemos—Bo 12:41–42 áîYàî:áé àáZúåîù     26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Cyan   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMO

            and the seventh day shall be a holy assembly í¤Ó−ÐíÌ−LÓðÒ £š-êÖþКÌô− fl̼−ÌëÐMÔí ·óBiÔëe              41. It was at the end ·±ÑwÌô−†ÌíÐ−Ôî .êô
                                         to you. ó¢Ó×Öñ                                               of the four hundred and thirty years, í¢ÖòÖL³B£êÑô¼'ÔaÐþÔêÐîíflÖòÖLó−¤ÌLñÐL
                      No work shall be done on them, ó flÓíÖëí¤ÓNÖ¼ÞÑ−-êG ·íÖ×êÖñÐô-ñÖk                            and on that very day íflÓfÔíóB¤iÔí ·óÓ®·Ó¼Ða−†ÌíÐ−Ôî
                     only for [the preparation of food] CÔêƒ                                          all of Adonoy’s multitudes went out íÒ£ÖîíÐ−³B'êÐëÌ®-ñÖke§êЮÞÖ−
                  which will be eaten by every person, LÓõflÓò-ñÖ×Ðññ¤Ñ×ÖêÞÑ−þ¤ÓLÎê                                of the land of Egypt. :óÌ−ÞÖþЮÌô±Óþ'ÓêÑô
                      that alone may be done for you. :óÞÓ×Öñí'ÓNÖ¼ÞÑ−B£cÔëÐñêe'í                  42. This was a night of vigil for Adonoy, íflÖîÒí−ÞÔñ ·êeí ó−'ÌþŠnÌLñ−¤Ññ .ëô
           17. You must be vigilant regarding the matzos, ›³BvÔnÔí-³Óê ‡óÓzÐþÔôÐLe .ï−              to bring them out of the land of Egypt. óÌ−¢ÖþÐ ®Ìô±Óþ¤ÓêÑôó£Öê−Ì®B ÞíÐñ
                                                                                                This night remains a night of vigil to Adonoy ó−§ÌþŠnÌLíflÖîÒí−ÞÔñ ·íÓfÔííÖñÐ−¥ÔlÔí-êe Þí

        by means of eating, drinking, and [special] clothing.” 117  :³e½Ð×e íÖi̳ÐLe íÖñ−Ì×ÎêÔñ
                                                                                                              [41] It was at the end of  õÅwÄîéÄäÀéÇå [àî]
                   [No work] shall be done on them. 118  .íÆäÈáäÆNÈòÞÅé-àG
                                                                                                      [four hundred and] thirty years, etc.  'åâå äÈðÈLíéÄLìÀL
                                  Even by others. 119  :(óÖL) ó−ÌþÑìÎê−ÑðÐ−ñÔ¼ el−ÌõÎê
                                                                                                                And on that very day 230  .äÆfÇä íBiÇäíÆöÆòÀaéÄäÀéÇå
                                      That alone.  .BcÇáÀì àeä                                  This tells us that the moment the bondage ended  ,±ÑwÔíÔ¼−ÌbÌíÓLöÖî−ÑkÓLð−ÌbÔô
                                  (I might think that  ñB×Ö−)                                God did not detain them for even the blink of an eye:  ;öÌ−Ô¼¹ÓþÓíÐk óBšÖnÔíöÖëÐk̼êG
               you may [prepare food] for non-Jews as well.  ?ó−ÌþÐ×ÖpÔñ¹Ôê                 [This therefore tells us that] on the fifteenth of Nissan  öÖ½−ÌòÐa î"¬Ða
                            Therefore the Torah states:  þÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔz                                   the serving angels came to Avraham  óÖíÖþÐëÔêñÓ®Ñê³ÑþÖMÔí−Ñ×ÎêÐñÔôeêÖa
                  “That alone may be done for yourselves”—  ZóÓ×ÖñíÓNÖ¼Ñ−BcÔëÐñ êeí                 to foretell to him (the birth of Yitzchok), 231  ,BþÐOÔëÐñ
                    for yourselves and not for non-Jews.)  (.ó−ÌþÐ×ÖpÔñêGÐîóÓ×Öñ                   On the fifteenth of Nissan Yitzchok was born  ,šÖìЮÌ−ðÔñBò öÖ½−ÌòÐa î"¬Ðëe
                        [êeí stresses] it (the work itself),  êeí                                            and on the fifteenth of Nissan  öÖ½−ÌòÐa î"¬Ðëe
                          but not the preparations for it  î−Öþ−ÌLÐ×ÔôêGÐî                  the decree of “between the pieces” was decreed. 232 233  :ó−ÌþÖ³ÐaÔíö−Ña³Ôþ−ÑïÐèíÖþÐïÐèÌò
                  which can be done before Yom Tov. 120 121  :ëB¬ óB− ëÓþÓ¼ÑôöÖ³BNμÔñþÖLÐõÓêÓL
                                                                                                              [42] A night of vigil— 234  .íéÄøËnÄLìéÅì [áî]
                                    Every person.  .LÆôÆð-ìÈëÀì                                     to which God watched and looked forward  ,Bñ íÓtÔ®Ðôe þÑôBL í"ÖaÖwÔííÖ−ÖíÓL
        Even for an animal 122  [it is permitted to prepare food].  ;íÖôÑíÐëÌñ el−ÌõÎê                        in order to fulfill His promise  B³ÖìÖ¬ÐëÔíó−ÑiÔšÐñ
                    You might think for non-Jews as well,  ?ó−ÌþÐ×ÖpÔñ¹Ôê ñB×Ö−                                 to take them out of Egypt.  :óÌ−ÖþЮÌô±ÓþÓêÑôóÖê−Ì®B ÞíÐñ
               therefore, the Torah states óÓ×Öñ—for you. 123 124  :óÓ ×ÖñþÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔz
                                                                                           This night 235  remains a night [of vigil] to Adonoy.  .'äÞÇìäÆfÇääÈìÀéÇlÇä-àe Þä
       [17] You must be vigilant regarding the matzos—  .úBvÇnÇä-úÆàíÆzÀøÇîÀLe [æé]            This is the night about which He said to Avraham,  ,óÖíÖþÐëÔêÐñþÔôÖêÓLíÖñÐ−ÔlÔí êeí
                      so that they do not become chametz.  .±en−Ìì−Ñð−Ìñ eêBëÖ−êHÓL         “It is on this night that I will redeem your children.” 236  :E−ÓòÖa³ÓêñÑêBè −ÌòÎêíÓfÔííÖñÐ−ÔlÔa
                            From this [the Sages] said:  :eþÐôÖêöêÖkÌô
                                                                                                    A night of vigil for all the B’nei Yisrael  ìÅàÈøÀNÄééÅðÀa-ìÈëÀìíéÄøËnÄL
                        “If [the dough] has begun to rise  ìÔõÖz
                                                                                                                  for their generations.  .íÞÈúÉøÉ ÞãÀì
                                                                                              It is continuously protected from destructive forces.  ,ö−Ìš−ÌfÔnÔíöÌôêÖëe þÖneLÐô
       117 Ibid.  118 Why does it not say: íÓNμԳêG—“ you shall not do.”? íÓNÖ¼Ñ−êG implies that the melachah should not be
       done at all.  119 Even a non-Jew may not do work for you. Mizrachi cites the Ramban that this prohibition is only  230 What is the stress of “on that very day?”  231 They said, “Next year, and Sarah, your wife, will have a son”
       d’Rabbonon and this d’rasha is only an asmachta.  120 For example: it is permitted to cook on Yom Tov, but it is  (Bereishis 18, 10).  232 For it was on the fifteenth of Nissan that 430 years were completed from the ó−ÌþÖ³ÐaÔíö−Ña³−ÌþÐa
       prohibited to make a pot in which to cook if this could have been done before Yom Tov.  121 Beitza 28a.  122 Since  and 400 years from Yitzchok’s birth.  233 Mechilta.  234 The root þÑôÒL has two meanings: 1) to wait for or look
       we find LÓõÓò associated with animals as well: “íÖôÑíÐaLÓõÓòíÑkÔôe”—“ If one strikes down the LÓõÓò of an animal” (Vayikra 24,  forward to, 2) to watch or guard. The first ó−ÌþŠnÌL of this verse has the former meaning and the second ó−ÌþŠnÌL has
       18).  123 But not for non-Jews. This is because one’s animals depend on him to feed them, whereas the non-Jew  the latter meaning (B.M.C., L.S.R).  235 íÓfÔííÖñÐ−ÔlÔí denotes a known night that has been mentioned before. (B.Y.)
       does not.  124 Mechilta, Beitza 21a.                                              26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Black   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Cyan   #26015-E

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