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[135]                Shemos—Bo 12:29–30 ìYèë:áé àáZúåîù                     SHMOT  5                     Shemos—Bo 12:28–29 èëYçë:áé àáZúåîù           [134]                                                                                                    #                                                               26015

       from the first-born son of Pharaoh sitting on his throne, B flêнÌk-ñÔ¼ë¤ÑLiÔí ·íÒ¼ÐþÔtþÒ¥×ÐaÌô  as Adonoy commanded Moshe and Aharon. öÒ£þÎíÞÔêÐîí'ÓLô-³ÓêíÒ§ÖîíÐ−í«ÖeÌ®þ·ÓLÎêÞÔk
            to the first-born son of the captive [prisoner] − flÌëÐMÔíþB¤×ÐaðÔ¼ƒ                                     They [also] did so. ô :e ÞNÖ¼ö'Ñk
                           who was in the dungeon, þB¢aÔí³−¤ÑëÐaþ£ÓLÎê                                        Shishi (Sixth Aliyah)   éùù
                     as well as every first-born animal. :íÞÖôÑíÐaþB'×ÐañÒ£×Ðî                              29. It was [exactly] midnight íÖñÐ− †ÔlÔí−¤Ì®ÎìÞÔa| −¤ÌíÐ−Ôî .¬×
                          30. Pharaoh arose at night, íÖñÐ− †ÔñíÒ•¼ÐþÔtóÖš·ÖiÔî.ñ                       and Adonoy struck down [killed] í¤ÖkÌí ‡íÒÖîí−ÞÔî
                                                                                                   every first-born son in the land of Egypt, ›óÌ−›ÔþЮÌô±Óþ¤ÓêÐa ‡þB×Ða-ñÖ×
                                                                                                      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RASHI  é"ùø AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
                         who was [at the time] in Egypt.  :óÌ−ÖþЮÌôÐa êeíÐî
                                                                                          were they not commanded from the first of the month? 165  ?óÓíÖñþÔôÍêÓòLÓðÒìLêÒþÑôêGÎíÔî
                From the first-born son (of) Pharaoh. 175  .äÉòÀøÇtøÉëÀaÄî
                                                                                                                     But [the answer is]  êÖlÓê
                       Pharaoh, too, was a first-born son,  ,íÖ−Öí þB×ÐaíÒ¼ÐþÔt¹Ôê
                                                                                                      that once they committed themselves, 166  ,óÓí−ÑñμeñÐaÌwÓLöÖî−ÑkÌô
                                  but he was spared  þ−ÑiÔzÐLÌòÐî
                                                                                                                   the Torah considers it  ëe³ÖkÔíóÓí−ÑñμíÓñμÔô
                 from the fate of the [other] first-born sons.  ,³BþB×ÐaÔíöÌô
                                                                                                              just as if they had done it. 167  :eNÖ¼elÌêÐk
                   It is he that is referred to when it states:  ,þÑôBê êeí î−ÖñÖ¼Ðî
                 “It is for this reason that I have spared you  E−ÌzÐðÔôͼÓí³êÒï þeëμÔa                         They went and did. 168  .eNÂòÞÇiÇåeëÀìÞÅiÇå
       in order to show you My power in the Reed Sea.” 176 177  :¹e½ óÔ−Ða−ÌìÒk³ÓêEгBêÐþÔí þeëμÔa  The “going” is also mentioned in the Torah,  ,ëe³ÖkÔííÖòÖôíÖ×−ÌñÎíÔí¹Ôê
                 To the first-born son of the captive. 178  .éÄáÀMÇä øBëÀaãÇò                          in order to give reward for the “going”  íÖ×−ÌñÎíÔñþÖ×ÖNöÑz−Ìñ
                                                                                                                 and reward for doing. 169  :íÖiÌNμÖñþÖ×ÖNÐî
                 1. Because they rejoiced at the misfortune  óÖð−ÑêÐñö−ÌìÑôÐNe−ÖíÓL
                                    of the Israelites.  ;ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−ñÓL                        As Adonoy commanded Moshe and Aharon. 170  .ïÉøÂäÞÇàÀåäÆLî-úÆà'ääÈeÄöøÆLÂàÞÇk
                        Also, so that they might not say:  ,eþÐôêÒ−êHÓL ðB¼Ðî                   In order to relate the praise of [the B’nei] Yisrael  ,ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−ñÓLöÖìÐëÌLð−Ì bÔíÐñ
                                      “It is our god  eòѳÖêÐþÌ−                                        that they omitted absolutely nothing  þÖëÖð eñ−ÌtÌíêHÓL
            that brought the punishment [on the Egyptians].”  .³eòÖ¼ÐþetÔííÖê−ÌëÑí                of all the commands of Moshe and Aharon. 171  ,öÒþÎíÔêÐîíÓLô ³BЮÌôñÖkÌô
           2. The first-born of the slave-girl is included [here],  ,íÖ−ÖíñÖñÐkÔaíÖ ìÐõÌMÔí þB×Ðëe   And what is meant by eÒ¾Ö¼öÑk—they did so?  ?eNÖ¼öÑkeíÔôe
                      because [this verse] lists [everyone]  íÖòÖô−ÑþÎíÓL                    [This refers to the fact that] Moshe and Aharon, too,  öÒþÎíÔêÐîíÓLô ¹Ôê
                            from the most important 179  öÖle×ÐaÓL ëeLÖìÓíöÌô                                               did so. 172  :eNÖ¼öÑk
                          [down] to the least important,  ,³eìÖtÔíðÔ¼                                              [29] And Adonoy.  .'äÞÇå [èë]
                        and the slave-girl’s first-born son  íÖìÐõÌMÔí þB×Ðëe                         Wherever it states ’íî (with the ’î prefix),  "’íÔî,, þÔôÍêÓpÓL óBšÖôñÖk
         is more important than the captive’s first-born son. 180  :−ÌëÐMÔí þB×ÐaÌô ëeLÖì                  it means He and His Divine court,  ,Bò−Ìc³−Ñëe êeí
                             [30] Pharaoh arose—  .äÉòÀøÇtíÈ÷ÈiÇå [ì]                                   for the letter ’î represents an addition  ,êeí ³ÓõÓ½Bz öBLÐñ î"−ÖeÔíÓL
                                    from his bed—  :B³ÖhÌnÌô                                     as one says, “so-and-so as well as so-and-so.” 173  :−ÌòBñÐõe −ÌòBñÐtBôÐk
                                       at night—  .äÈìÀéÇì                                            Struck down every first-born son. 174  .øBëÀa-ìÈëäÈkÄä
                        and not as is customary for kings  ó−Ì×ÖñÐnÔíCÓþÓðÐ×êGÐî                           Even if he was of another nation,  ³ÓþÓìÔêíÖneê ñÓL¹Ôê
                     [to arise] three hours into the day. 181  :óBiÔa ³B¼ÖLLñÖLÐa
                                                                                          165 To begin the service of the korbon Pesach on the 10th? (See Rashi v. 3.)  166 To fulfill the mitzvah of korbon Pesach.
                                                                                          167 Mechilta.  168 If the aim of the Torah were only to teach that intention to fulfill a mitzvah is considered as if
       175 íÒ¼ÐþÔt þB×ÐaôÌ cannot mean: “from the first-born of Pharaoh” because then îÒêнÌkñÔ¼ëÑLBiÔí—“ The one destined to sit  the mitzvah were actually performed, then it would have written eNμÔiÔîeêЮÑiÔî—“ They went out and did it;” eNμÔiÔî e×ÐñÑiÔî
       on his throne” would be repetitive. Therefore we must translate íÒ¼ÐþÔt þB×ÐaÌô as if it were written þB×ÐaÔííÒ¼ÐþÔtÌô—“ from  implies something special about the íÖ×−ÌñÎí—the going (G.A.).  169 Ibid.  170 Would it not have sufficed to say, “They
       Pharaoh, the first-born.” (Mechilta)  176 Above, 9, 16.  177 Mechilta.  178 1. Why did the captives’ first-born  went and did so”?!  171 Despite the danger of slaughtering the gods of the Egyptians. (S.C.)  172 Though Moshe
       deserve punishment? 2. The warning of this plague states: “to the first-born of the slave-girl,” why, then, here  and Aharon (as well as all the Levites) were not subjugated in Egypt (See Rashi above, 5, 4). Also, they were not
       does it state −ÌëÐMÔí þB×ÐaðÔ¼? See Rashi above, 11, 5 ð¼ í’ð.  179 Viz., from Pharaoh down to the captive’s first-born.  above doing everything, viz. the acquiring of the goat, etc., by themselves. (Netziv)  173 Ber. Rab. 51, 2. See Rashi
       180 Mechilta.  181 Ibid.                                                           Bereishis 19, 24.  174 ñÖk—every indicates an addition. See Rashi above, v. 12 þî×ë ñ× ’íð.                    #                                                               26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:--
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