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       [137]    #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Black   #26015-
                            Shemos—Bo 12:31–34 ãìYàì:áé àáZúåîù
                                                                                                                Shemos—Bo 12:22–23 âëYáë:áé àáZúåîù
        Go worship Adonoy as you have said [requested]. :óÞÓ×ÐþÓaÔðÐkíÒ£ÖîíÐ−-³Óêe'ðÐë̼e§×Ðñe  Touch the lintel and the two side [door] posts ³ÕflïeïÐnÔí−¤ÑzÐL-ñÓêÐî ·¹BšÐLÔnÔí-ñÓêó¥ÓzмÔbÌíÐî
                    32. Take your sheep and cattle too, e§ìКó'Ó×ÐþÔšÐa-óÔbó·Ó×ÐòêÒ Þ®-óÔb .ëñ        with some of the blood in the basin. ¹¢ÖqÔaþ¤ÓLÎêó£ÖcÔí-öÌô
                 as you have said and go; bless me too. :−Þ̳Òê-óÔbó£ÓzÐ×ÔþÞÑëe e×¢ÑñÖîó£ÓzÐþÔaÌcþ'ÓLÎêÞÔk             And all of you, ó †ÓzÔêÐî
                  33. The Egyptians pressed the people ó flÖ¼Öí-ñÔ¼ ·óÌ−·ÔþЮÌôš¥ÔïÍìÞÓzÔî .èñ       let no man go out the door of his house B£³−Ña-ìÔ³ÞÓtÌôL−'Ìêe§êЮÞѳê'G
            to hurry them—to send them out of the land, ±Óþ¢ÖêÖí-öÌôó¤Ö ìÐlÔLÐñþ£ÑíÔôÐñ                                until morning. :þÓšÒ Þa-ðÔ¼
                  for they said, “We are all dead men.” :ó−Þ̳Ñôeò'ÖlŠke£þÐôÞÖê−'Ìk       23. Adonoy will pass through to plague the Egyptians ›óÌ−›ÔþЮÌô-³Óê¹Ò¤bÐòÌñ ‡íÒÖîíÐ−þ¤ÔëÖ¼Ðî .è×
       34. The people took their dough before it was leavened. ±¢ÖôÐìÓ−óÓþ¤Ó¬B £šÑ®Ða-³Óêó§Ö¼Öíê'ÖOÌiÔî .ðñ    and He will see the blood ·óÖcÔí-³Óêí¥ÖêÖþÐî
                                                                                               on the lintel and on the two side [door] posts. ³¢ÒïeïÐnÔí−¤ÑzÐLñ£Ô¼Ðî¹B flšÐLÔnÔí-ñÔ¼
                                                                                                     Adonoy will then pass over that door ìÔ³ flÓtÔí-ñÔ¼ ·íÒÖîíÐ−ì¥Ô½Öõe
                  Go worship, etc., as you have said. 189  .íÞÆëÀøÆaÇãÀk 'ä-úÆà eãÀáÄòeëÀìe              and will not allow the destroyer ³− flÌìÐLÔnÔí ·öÑzÌ−ê¥GÐî
                    Everything [shall be] as you have said  ,óÓzÐþÔôÎêÓLBôÐkñÒkÔí
                                                                                                      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RASHI  é"ùø AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
                               and not as I have said.  ;−ÌòÎê−ÌzÐþÔôÖêÓLBôÐkêGÐî
                Void is [my statement:] “I will not send.” 190  Ô ìÑlÔLÎêêGñѬÖa                               So that you should not say  þÔôêÒ³êHÓL
         Void is [my statement:] “Who and who are going?” 191  ,ó−Ì×ÐñÒíÔí−ÌôÖî−ÌôñѬÖa            that one dipping [of the hyssop in the blood  ³ÔìÔêíÖñ−ÌëЬ
                              Void is [my statement:]  ñѬÖa                                            is sufficient] for the three sprinklings;  ,³BòÖzÔnÔíLñÐLÌñ
             “Only your sheep and cattle shall remain.” 192 193  :èÖvŠ−óÓ×ÐþÖšÐëe óÓ×ÐòêÒ®šÔþ              ¹ÖqÔaþÓLÎê is therefore written again  ,¹ÖqÔaþÓLÎê ðB¼ þÔôÍêÓòCÖ×Ðñ
                  [32] Take your sheep and cattle too.  .eçÀ÷íÆëÀøÇ÷Àa-íÇbíÆëÀðàÉ Þv-íÇb [áì]       so that each and every sprinkling should be  íÖò−̳Ðòe íÖò−̳ÐòñÖkêÑíÐzÓL
            What is [stressed] óÓzÐþÔaÌcþÓLÎêÔk—as you have said? 194  ?óÓzÐþÔaÌcþÓLÎêÔkeíÔôe          from the blood which is in the basin 153  ,¹ÖqÔaþÓLÎêóÖcÔíöÌô
                                                                                                  —for every touching, a [separate] dipping. 154  :íÖñ−ÌëЬíÖ¼ÖbÔíñÖkñÔ¼
           [It alludes to:] “You yourself will place in our hands  eòÑðÖ−ÐaöÑzÌzíÖzÔêóÔb
                 [animals for] korbonos and burnt-offerings  ,³GÒ¼Ðîó−ÌìÖëÐï                     And all of you, let [no man] go out, etc. 155  .'åâå eàÀöÞÅúàGíÆzÇàÀå
                            take, as you have said.” 195  :óÓzÐþÔaÌcþÓLÎêÔkeìК           This teaches that once dominion is given to the destroyer  ³−ÌìÐLÔnÔñ ³eLÐþíÖòÐzÌpÓLþÔìÔêÑnÓLð−ÌbÔô
                                                                                                         to do harm, he does not distinguish  ö−ÌìÐëÔô Bò−Ñê,ñÑaÔìÐñ
                                     Bless me too.  .éÞÄúÉà-íÇbíÆzÀëÇøÅáe
                                                                                                 between a righteous person and an evil person.  ;¼ÖLÖþÖñš−ÌcÔ®ö−Ña
                 [Meaning:] “Pray for me that I do not die,  ,³eôÖêêHÓL−ÔñÖ¼ eñÐlÔtгÌí
                           for I am a first-born son.” 196  :þB×Ðë−ÌòÎêÓL                 And night is when the destroying angels have dominion,  ,êeí ó−ÌñÐaÔìÐôÔñ ³eLÐþíÖñÐ −ÔñÐî
                                                                                                                        as it is said: 156  þÔôÍêÓpÓL
                          [33] We are all dead men!  .íéÞÄúÅîeðÈlËk [âì]
                                                                                                     “Then night comes in which move about  NÒôÐþ̳Ba
            They said: “This is not the same as Moshe’s decree  ,êeí íÓLô ³ÔþÑïÐèÌ× êG :eþÐôÖê
                                                                                                             all the beasts of the forest.” 157  :þÔ¼Ö−B³Ð−ÔìñÖk
                for he had said, ‘Every first-born will die,’ 197  ,þB×ÐañÖk³Ñôe þÔôÖê−ÑþÎíÓL
                                                                                                                  [23] Will pass over.  .çÇñÈôe [âë]
                 and here the ordinary ones 198  are dying—  ,ó−̳Ñôó−̬eLÐtÔí¹ÔêöêÖ×Ðî
                      five or ten in the same house. 199 200  :ðÖìÓê³Ì−ÔëÐaíÖþÖNμBêíÖMÌôÎì     [ìÔ½Öõe means] “And He will take pity (or: spare).”  ,ñÔôÖìÐî
                                                                                                  One can also translate it: “And he skipped.” 158  :èÔñÖðÐîþÔôBñ LÑ−Ðî
                      [34] Before it was leavened. 201  .õÈîÀçÆéíÆøÆè [ãì]
                                                                                                      And will not allow the destroyer. 159  .úéÄçÀLÇnÇäïÅzÄéàGÀå
                The Egyptians did not let them procrastinate  ³BíÐLÌñ óeì−ÌpÌíêGó−ÌiÌþЮÌnÔí
                                                                                               He will not give the destroyer the ability to come,  ,êÒëÖñ³ÓñB×Ð−BñöÑzÌ−êGÐî
                                                                                                      as in: “God will not give him [the ability]  ó−ÌíGÍêBòÖ³ÐòêGÐîBôÐk
       189 Why does Scripture stress: “as you have said?” (M.)  190 Above, 5, 2.  191 Above, 10, 8.  192 Ibid, 24.
       193 Mechilta.  194 Especially since it seems to be a repetition of óÓ×ÐþÓaÔðÐk of the previous verse!  195 Above, 10, 25.  to harm me.” 160  :−ÌðÖn̼¼ÔþÖíÐñ
       Accordingly eìК—take is connected to óÓzÐþÔaÌcþÓLÎêÔk—as you have said, i.e., “óÓ×ÐþÔšÐaóÔbóÓ×ÐòêÒ®óÔb—besides your own sheep
       and cattle, ó³þëð þ¾ê× îìš—take from mine, too, as you have said” (M.).  196 Mechilta.  197 Above, 11, 5.  198 I.e.,  153 I.e., he may not sprinkle again from the blood that remains in the hyssop from the first dipping.  154 Mechilta.
       the non-first-born.  199 They thought that ordinary people were also dying, but they were mistaken. See Rashi  155 1. The decree was on the first-born. Then why should no man go out until morning? 2. The decree was to be
       above, v. 30 ³−ë ö−ê −× í"ð.  200 Mechilta.  201 In Egypt the prohibition of chametz on Pesach was for only one day  carried out at midnight. Then why should no man go out until morning?  156 Tehillim 104, 20.  157 Mechilta.
       (see Pesachim 28b) and the Israelites were not obligated to bake only unleavened bread. (M.)  158 See above, v. 13 −³ì½õî í"ð −"¾þ.  159 Lit. “He will not give the destroyer....”  160 Bereishis 31, 7.
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