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Shemos—Beshalach 14:24 ãë:ãé çìùáZúåîù
Shemos—Beshalach 14:5–6 åYä:ãé çìùáZúåîù
Adonoy gazed down at the Egyptians’ camp óÌ− flÔþЮÌôí¤ÑòÎìÞÔô-ñÓê ·íÒÖîíÐ−¹¥ÑšÐLÔiÔî Pharaoh and his servants had a change of heart ·î−ÖðÖëμÞÔîíÒ¥¼ÐþÔtë·ÔëÐñC…ÑõÖíÞÑiÔî…
through the pillar of fire and cloud, ö¢ÖòÖ¼ÐîL£Ñêðe 'nÔ¼Ða regarding the people, ó flÖ¼Öí-ñÓê
and He caused panic in the Egyptian camp. :óÌ−ÞÖþЮÌôí'ÑòÎìÞÔô³£ÑêóÖí–ÖiÔî and they said, “What have we done? eò− flÌNÖ¼³êÒ¤f-íÔô ·eþÐôêÒÞiÔî
6. He [Pharaoh] harnessed his chariot B¢aÐ×Ìþ-³ÓêþÒ£½ÐêÓiÔî.î
therefore, it is called ³ÓþBôÐLÔê. 98 ,³ÓþBôÐLÔê −eþÖšCÖ×Ðñ
It is for this reason that Onkelos translates it: ½eñКÐòeê óÑbÐþÌzÓLeíÓïÐî and he took his people with him. :B Þn̼ì'ÔšÖñB £nÔ¼-³ÓêÐî
Gazed down. .óÅ÷ÀLÇiÇå
and on the night of the seventh −̼−ÌëÐL ñ−Ññ
[¹ÑšÐLÔiÔî means literally] he gazed; ,¬ÑaÔiÔî
they went down into the sea. ,óÖiÔñeðÐþÖ−
as if to say: þÔôBñÐk
In the morning they chanted the shirah 25 íÖþ−ÌLeþÐôÖê³−ÌþÎìÔLÐa
He turned His attention to them to destroy them. 100 .óÖ³−ÌìÐLÔíÐñóÓí−ÑñÎêíÖòÖt and that [day] was the seventh day of Pesach. .ìÔ½ÓtñÓL−̼−ÌëÐL óB− êeíÐî
Onkelos’ translation of it as: −Ñ×ÐzнÌêÐî, −Ñ×ÐzнÌêÐî BôebÐþÔ³Ðî It is for this reason the we read [in the Torah] ö−ÌþBš eòÖêCÖ×Ðñ
is also a term referring to gazing ,íÖ¬ÖaÔí öBLÐñ êeí ¹Ôê the shirah on the seventh day [of Pesach]. 26 :−̼−ÌëÐMÔí óBiÔaíÖþ−ÌMÔí
as in: “ó−ÌõÒ®íÑðÐÒ¾ 101 ,ó−ÌõÒ®íÑðÐNBôÐk
Had a change [of heart] .CÅôÈäÞÅiÇå
[which Onkelos translates as:] the field of the gazers. :êÖ³e×Ö½ñÔšÎì
—changed from what it had been, ,íÖ−ÖíÓMíÖnÌôCÔtÐíÓò
Through the pillar of fire and cloud. 102 .ïÈðÈòÀåLÅà ãenÇòÀa
for he had [at first] said to them: ,óÓíÖñþÔôÖê−ÑþÎíÓL
The pillar of cloud descended and made it (the sea floor) ðÑþB− öÖòÖ¼ ðenÔ¼ “Set out! Get out from among my people.” 27 ,−ÌnÔ¼ CBzÌôeêÐv eôeš
like clay 103 ¬−̬Ð× B³Bê íÓNB¼Ðî His servants, too, had a change of heart, ,î−ÖðÖëμëÑñCÔtÐíÓòÐî
and the pillar of fire heated it up ,Bì−ÌzÐþÔôLÑê ðenÔ¼Ðî for earlier they had been saying to him: ,Bñ ó−ÌþÐôBê e−ÖíþÖëÖ¼ÓLÐñ−ÑþÎíÓL
so that the horses’ hooves fell off. 104 :³B¬ÐnÔzÐLÌôóÓí−ѽe½ −Ñ õÐñÔ¬Ðî “How much longer will this man be íÓïíÓ−ÐíÌ−−Ô³ÖôðÔ¼
And He caused panic. .íÈäÈiÇå a menace to us,” 28 ,LÑšBôÐñ eòÖ ñ
[óÖíÖiÔî is derived from] the term íÖôeíÐô—confusion, ,íÖôeíÐô öBLÐñ and now they changed [their minds] e×ÐõÓíÓòî−ÖLÐ×Ô¼Ðî
estordison, in Old French (tumult, confusion). ,ïÔ¼ÔñÐa öî¾−"ðþîð¾ê so as to pursue them óÓí−ÑþÎìÔê ¹BcÐþÌñ
He put them into a state of confusion; ,óÖëÐaÐþ̼ because of their property which they gave them. 29 :óeñ−ÌêÐLÌíÓLóÖòBôÖôñ−ÌëÐLÌa
[i.e.] He took away their senses. 105 .óÓíÖlÓL ³BiÌòÐè̽ñÔ¬Öò From serving us. .eðÞÅãÀáÈòÞÅî
We learned in the Chapters of R. Eliezer þÓïÓ¼−ÌñÍê−ÌaÔþ−ÑšÐþÌõÐa eò−ÌòÖLÐî [eòÑðÐëÖ¼Ñô means] from serving us. :eòÖ³Bê ðBëμÑô
the son of R. Yose haGlili: :−Ìñ−ÌñÐbÔí−ѽB− −ÌaÔþñÓLBòÐa
[6] He harnessed his chariot 30 .BaÀëÄø-úÆàøÉñÀàÆiÇå [å]
wherever the term íÖôeíÐô is used, íÖôeíÐôBaþÔôÍêÓpÓL óBšÖôñÖk
—he himself. 31 :BôЮԼÐë êeí
it indicates a thunderous noise ,êeí ñBš ³ÔôÖ¼ÐþÔí
And he took his people with him. .B ÞnÄòçÇ÷ÈìBnÇò-úÆàÀå
and the following is the forerunner of them all: ,öÖle×ÐñëÖêíÓïÐî
He enticed them with words: ,ó−ÌþÖëÐðÌaóÖ×ÖLÐô
“And God thundered with a great sound, etc. ’BèÐî ñBðÖb ñBšÐa’íóѼÐþÔiÔî
“We have been stricken and they have taken our property eòÑòBôÖôeñЬÖòÐî eò−ÌšÖñ
upon the Plishtim ó−ÌzÐLÌñÐtñÔ¼
and we have sent them away. !óeòÐìÔlÌLÐî
(óÑnŠíÐ−Ôî) and threw them into confusion.” 106 :óÑnŠíÐiÔî
Come with me and I will not deal with you óÓ×Ön̼èÑíÔòгÓêêG−ÌòÎêÔî,−Ìn̼ eêBa
98 ³ÓþBôоÔê being the same as þÖôÐLÌô—a watch. 99 See Onkelos Bamidbar 1, 53. 100 See Rashi Bereishis 18, 16 í"ð as other kings [do.]— .ó−Ì×ÖñÐôþÖêÐLÌk
îõ−š¾−î. 101 Bamidbar 23, 14. 102 öÖòÖ¼ÐîLÑê ðenÔ¼Ða...¹ÑšÐLÔiÔî means: He intended to harm them through [by means of] It is the way of other kings ó−Ì×ÖñÐnþÖêÐLCÓþÓc
the pillars of cloud and fire. How were the pillars used for this purpose? 103 After the sea floor had completely
dried up for the benefit of the B’nei Yisrael, the pillar of cloud turned the sea floor into a quagmire for the Egyptians. 25 The Song of Praise at the crossing of the Reed Sea. 26 Mechilta. 27 Above, 12, 31. 28 Above, 10, 7.
(S.C.) 104 Mechilta. 105 S.C. Other translations of ³BiÌòÐè̽ are: their flags and banners (Berliner); Their officers 29 Mechilta. 30 Why is the harnessing of his chariot significant? (G.A.) 31 To encourage and exhort the others.
(Sechel Tov). 106 I Shmuel 7, 10. (Mechilta)